Reefer 525 Build

Visited the LFS. They measured Mg for me using Salifert:

Frag tank: 1350
Display tank: 1380

My measurements with RedSea on same water sample:

Frag tank: 1800
Display tank: 1600

So looks like Mg is spot on. So RedSea test kit found its way to the trash. Its interesting because I had another LFS verify my Mg and they used a Redsea kit and also showed a high reading of like 1550.

So at least one less thing to worry about being off. Ive extended the 2 part dosing period throughout the day to keep parameters from fluctuating so much.

And thanks Adam. I'm with you on leaving the block out for now. There just isn't any need for it.
One thing I learn that when in doubt, do a big wc, see how things go for a few days and do another. That should get any imbalance tank get back normal regular range. Try not to chase any number. Let your corals tell u and go from there
Check out the new Aquaforest test kits. We just got them in.
aXio;1111900 wrote: Check out the new Aquaforest test kits. We just got them in.

Thats cool. I think for now im going to stick to tried and true stuff until i have alot more experience.
Ricky5415;1111894 wrote: One thing I learn that when in doubt, do a big wc, see how things go for a few days and do another. That should get any imbalance tank get back normal regular range. Try not to chase any number. Let your corals tell u and go from there

Yea i did 90% water change to reset things but it made no difference. There is a long r2r thread with folks helping me out.

The guess is that the bacteria are way out of balance causing the issues from starting the tank with a probiotic salt and carbon dosing with such a stark tank. So im doing the following:

Continue 2 part dosing to keep the alk/ca levels stable
Stop water changes until balance is acheived
Increase NO3 from 0.25 to 4ppm slowly
Continue to run GAC
Add cuc
Add a few more corals
Discontinue frozen food and just feed pellets

So we will see how it goes over the next few weeks.
So after a long time battling the unexplained drop in alkalinity I have decided to tear down and reset the tank. New rock and new sand.

Working with Anit and Brew12 on R2R we came to the conclusion that the rock/sand were heavily populated with a Ureolytic bacteria and the drop in alkalinity/calcium is due to microbially induced calcium precipitation. The bacteria was growing calcite crystals that at the point of breakdown were very visible. It is not known where the bacteria came from or how it became dominant. I suspect that the manmade rock and/or live sand was contaminated with this bacteria. Because I started the tank with probiotic salt/carbon dosing it very likely fed the Ureolytic bacteria which then became dominant in the tank and was the root cause of all the issues.

Also the NO3 and PO4 nutrients in the water always measured 0 no matter how much I fed. It is very likely that this bacteria was consuming the nutrients long after I stopped using probiotics/carbon dosing back in November. This is why I think corals were slowly dying or died in the tank as they were starving. Most of the corals have made a full recovery and are even growing and coloring back up in the QT tank.

So I have new rock (purchased from ARC) which is cycling in a Brute can and should be ready soon. As well as some new sand (Tropic Eden).

Hopeful that the second go at this will be an enjoyable process.
All the rough work is now done. Have the rock still curing. Shouldn't be too much longer. Replaced the sand with a mix of Tropic Eden mini flakes and meso flakes. Looks better imo.

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Well its been a long wait but Ive got all new sand and rock and the aquascape mostly done. Looking forward to finally getting the corals moved over as well.

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Officially a reef tank after a year of struggles!!!

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Quick Update now the site is back up. Things are going well.

Worked on the Aquascape some to balance it and give it a better visual flow. Corals are now growing and thriving. The old rock was treated with acid/bleach by ANIT77 and raffled off at the last ARC meeting. Ironicially the place where it was originally purchased. Glad to see it wouldn't go to waste." alt="fts" />

Re-plumbed the sump to make room for a fuge and increase return flow.
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Added a light over the fuge area which is separated now using egg crate. fuge currently has chaeto only.
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Updated Front tank shot.

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It's good to see you progressing and that everything has leveled off.

You should angle the fuge light so it doesn't shine on the skimmer. Maybe add in a piece of opaque acrylic in there too. That will help keep algae from growing where you don't want it to.
Quick update and a few photos.  Really enjoying the tank now.  I think Ive worked things out and just now need to add a few fish and sit back and watch.

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Jeff that is absolutely beautiful! I cant wait to see it fill in. Thank you so much for donating the Mr Saltwater book series at the raffle. :)
Looks awesome! It was nice meeting you at the ARC meeting. Glad to see the bacteria farm is now a reef tank 😉. Now I just need to re-aquascape my 125 gallon.

Thanks Austin and Brett.

Here are a few more photos.

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