Reefstinger 160 need info for Water Changes


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OK , i did a 1 day transfer from my 110 seasoned tank into my 160 gallon new setup. I only used 30 gallons of my old tank water on the transfer, filled the rest of the system with RO/DI 1.026 sal mix. Tank has been running for right at 3 weeks now. Tank parameters look great. I used a 3 in dry sandbed(fine) and added about 10 lbs of my old seeded sand over the top of the new sand. Now , is it time to do a water change? or overdue. or does the tank water need to build up some bacteria before i do a water change ? I have a 75 gallon fuge with only a few LR and 3 little bunches of cheto/flame algae , fuge right now is BB. I can totally isolate the fuge from the 75 gallon sump and the 160 Dt. If i make a water change cant i just isolate the fuge , pull so many gallons out it and re=add new SW to the fuge , then open it up to the whole system again. How and what is the best procedure ?? anyone :unsure:
The bacteria does not reside in the water but on all surfaces. Primarily in the live rock if it porous and in the live sand. It also adheres to the tank walls but that is minimal I am assuming that you transferred your livestock and live rock from the old tank correct? If so, I would do water changes like always. It is basically the same tank with just a bit more water and some dry sand that is beginning to become live sand.
Yep , transferred all livestock and LR, Thanks RD, Rit owner of Atlanta aquarium told me I should have used all the water from the old tank?? and do no water changes for a month??? I take it he believes that the water contains the good bacteria also. I have read were this is not true, just as you said bacteria does Not reside in the water. Thanks
I am no expert by any means but everything I have read and everyone I talk to agrees the water does not contain much if any bacteria. Reusing the old water would not be a problem at all unless it had high concentrations of Nitrate. Using new water ensures you are starting with good clean water. When I went from my 45 to my 125 I used all new water, new dry sand, all the rock from my 45 plus about 40 lbs of live rock and 25 pounds of dead rock that I got from a friend. I did not seed the sand at all. I figured the live rock would be plenty to handle my bio-load while the sand was being established.
yes, Im no expert either, I will do a water change Friday. I will isolate the 75 gallon fuge and do a water change , then UN-isolate back to the main sump. Never again have to shut down the system and do water changes. Got to move my 15 gallon top off water reservoir to the floor level, when auto-top off kicks in and stops , the siphon does not break keeps draining rodi to the sump.
Atlanta Aquarium;778084 wrote: Jerry, I never tell you not to do water change for a month. I always tell everyone to do water change every week for a reef tank. Yes, I do tell everyone, including you, to use the old water whenever possible.
ok , sorry for the second part. misunderstood.