rescue the Powder Blue Tang?


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i'm trying to decide whether to "rescue" a small powder blue tang from local lfs. it's on the small size, seems to have ich, but swims well and eats. i could easily keep it happy in the 60g that i have for awhile. should i rescue? what should i pay?

How old is your tank? You might be taking on more than what it is worth. I wouldn't pay more than 35 bucks for it. I can sneeze and my powder blue will get ich. HIs middle name is ICKY.
if I were you, I'd pass-he could start havoc in your little 60, and cause problems for you well after he's gone; Plus he'll outgrow the 60 (given he lives) in no time. You don't want to start out with a sick fish-just kinda not a good idea. HTH
The bigger question is. What will it take for the LFS to stop getting sick fish? how many fish can you rescue?
i took over running the 60g tank since Oct, but the tank was running for 8 years by the previous owner. the current occupants are a chromis and a serpent brittle star. why would the tank's age matter? source of algae?

powder blue's are sensitive and get ich easily, just as purpleGorilla observes.

I have always been a firm believer in not rescuing fish from stores, most of the time in ends badly.. To each his own though.. If you decide to give it a spin, good luck
I mean, if its eating and swimming what are you rescuing it from? ich? Thats not the end all be all for fish. those get ich all the time. Guarantee it'll get ich again and again. And sorry to say, but I highly doubt you'll get less than 50 for that fish. If you do, hell go for it, that'll be one of the cheapest pbt I've heard of. But just look at over all health, if its fat and eating like you said....there should be no reason why you couldnt keep him.
I was talking about rescue fish with torn fins, HLLE, not eating and discolored, if its swimming fine and eating, just a little bout with ick, hell yeah try and work them down on the price and qt it and laugh about your great deal.
after doing some homework on saltwater ich, the treatment doesn't sound easy or fun. waiting out the six week lifecycle and worrying about which tanks have copper treatment are not my ideas of simple. i don't want to set up a seperate qt at this point. i will pass on the "rescue".

this must be one of the reasons why i like coral more than fish.

etoh "trying to keep the display tanks clean" is good
for the non-science, non-chemist

EtOH = ethanol (consumable alcohol)

the inside joke is that my degree is in neuroscience relating to drugs of abuse