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Steve Burton

Staff member
Reaction score
I don't know what it would take but it sure would be nice to have something better for the auctions, to show the item along with the latest bid, or notification if I am outbid.
If you look at the top of any thread, you can click the "Watch" link and select email notifications. Of course in these auctions the last minute is always the most active and I'm not sure how long the email delay would be.
I'm glad to see that my auction forum idea is being well received... :)

I wonder if we should put in the same rule as they do for GRJ auctions which is where a person can still continue to bid until a 10 minute gap has occurred from the last bid. This will help mitigate sniping and thereby encourage people to put in their best bids. Also it has been requested that we change the date/time for the auctions to end on Thursday as Fridays are often quite busy.

Any thoughts?
If you look at the top of any thread, you can click the "Watch" link and select email notifications. Of course in these auctions the last minute is always the most active and I'm not sure how long the email delay would be.
I was thinking the same thing but maybe steve didn't want to have to get notified of every response because you get notified of likes and other replies also. Thursdays are a better endtime for auctions i think as Jin said Friday's are busy for alot of us
I'm glad to see that my auction forum idea is being well received... :)

I wonder if we should put in the same rule as they do for GRJ auctions which is where a person can still continue to bid until a 10 minute gap has occurred from the last bid. This will help mitigate sniping and thereby encourage people to put in their best bids. Also it has been requested that we change the date/time for the auctions to end on Thursday as Fridays are often quite busy.

Any thoughts?
I would agree about 10 minute inactive. While i sniped and won tonight, last week i was sniped and lost. This would also get the seller the best price.

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Its an auction just log in about 30 minutes before the end and hit refresh every 3 seconds. Remember ebay when it was still a decent auction site
There's another auction that I follow and it end's at 9:00 or after the bidding has been inactive for 10 minutes. So if there's a few bidders, it could go on for quite a while until a bid is placed an no other bid is placed within 10 minutes. I kinda like it.
I'm glad to see that my auction forum idea is being well received... :)

I wonder if we should put in the same rule as they do for GRJ auctions which is where a person can still continue to bid until a 10 minute gap has occurred from the last bid. This will help mitigate sniping and thereby encourage people to put in their best bids. Also it has been requested that we change the date/time for the auctions to end on Thursday as Fridays are often quite busy.

Any thoughts?

My thoughts about bidding continues till a 10 minute gap...ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I REALLY THINK THATS A BS RULE DESIGNED TO PAY MAXIMUM FOR THE SELLERS BENEFIT.

No reason we cant have an end time and stick with it. I haven’t heard any complaionts other than “dang I missed it”.

Any day for the auction to end is good by me, doesn’t really matter.
My thoughts about bidding continues till a 10 minute gap...ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I REALLY THINK THATS A BS RULE DESIGNED TO PAY MAXIMUM FOR THE SELLERS BENEFIT.

No reason we cant have an end time and stick with it. I haven’t heard any complaionts other than “dang I missed it”.

Any day for the auction to end is good by me, doesn’t really matter.

You realize its like yelling when you type in caps like that? I thought you'd be all on board since you sell for profit more than anyone else in the club. What's wrong with a seller getting value for their sale?

To your second point, this is just a discussion. The whole "I never heard a complaint" argument is almost always irrelevant as you've never even asked for feedback or opinions.
I was yelling but let me restate my opinion...

I am not a fan of the auction stays open till 10 minutes of inactivity. It’s my opinion that rule favors the seller not the buyer so I am not a fan and it it was put to a vote I would vote no.
I was yelling but let me restate my opinion...

I am not a fan of the auction stays open till 10 minutes of inactivity. It’s my opinion that rule favors the seller not the buyer so I am not a fan and it it was put to a vote I would vote no.

Well yelling is rude, let's try not to go down that path in the future. Everyone has a right to their own opinion and I appreciate all the feedback thus far. Thanks.
I do like the effort to combat sniping and really like the auction forum. However, I do not spend much time on auctions at this point. Does the 10 min thing help with sniping? Has anyone seen other methods used to help with this?
My thoughts about bidding continues till a 10 minute gap...ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I REALLY THINK THATS A BS RULE DESIGNED TO PAY MAXIMUM FOR THE SELLERS BENEFIT.

No reason we cant have an end time and stick with it. I haven’t heard any complaionts other than “dang I missed it”.

Any day for the auction to end is good by me, doesn’t really matter.

You know, I thought the same thing until last night. I made a comment about a 10 min rule as a possible alternative in some other thread because there were 3 things I was bidding on and didn't end up with a single one. I wasn't frustrated (that's how it goes) but I would have paid more for each and every one of the items I got outbid on. We certainly don't have to change anything, I think the auctions are a hit for sellers and buyers, but I'd be in favor of a conversation about changing the way they end.
The auctions are a good addition to the regular selling forum, fun to watch and participate in. I like the definite end time. Anyone can bid as high as they want to eliminate competitive bids from the time it is posted until the end time. If the price is still within someone's price range at the end, they have the opportunity to jump in, which adds to the fun in my opinion. You win some and lose some, there will always be another auction next week. The sellers and buyers also have the option to sell and buy for a set price in the Drygoods/Livestock forum, or the buyers can contact sellers to arrange future purchases of desired items. On a side note, I don't mind a line of caps or a few exclamation points in a post once in a while to emphasize a point, hard to put inflection in writing. And I like that not every seller is here to gouge out every penny possible on every piece.
You know, I think Dave's impassioned post has changed my mind. My sniping cost me an extra $5 over the next highest bid. I think I'd rather keep the ending as it is. Win some, lose some.

In general, I don't mind all caps for what its worth. I think its a good way to show emphasis from a phone keyboard. Just my 0.02 on that issue as well.

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I think I've been mis-understanding the bid increments. The standard "Bid Increment" is $1 and I've always assumed that meant you could only bid $1 at a time. Is that correct? Or does it mean that bid increments have to be in whole dollars? If we can bid in larger than $1 increments, I might make my last bid $5 more and see if I can win it based on the dollar amount. I did review the rules and it does seem like bid increment do refer the the max amount the next bid can be, in most cases $1.
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