RESOLVED Forum subscriptions not being emailed

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Well-Known Member
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Peachtree Corners
i am subscribed to reef discussion and the dry goods, I don’t receive the for sale dry goods emails. I’ve tried unsubscribing and subscribing again but I still don’t get emails. I feel like I probably miss out on a lot of local deals on coral and equipment. How can I fix this?
Wordpress forced an unannounced update and it caused an issue with our subscription services.  We are working with the developers on a fix.  We apologize for any inconvenience and I will try to get it resolved asap.
Were trying to figure out why some are receiving subscriptions and two so far are not.  Ill continue working on it with the developer tomorrow.
We have a third party developer working on dertermining why all notifications arent going out.  Hopefully, they can resolve it completely.
We had third party developer troubleshoot the sporadic issue and we couldn't replicate it.  I'll continue to work on it.
I have not been receiving notifications either. I have tried unsubscribing and subscribing again. This is extremely frustrating.
With Brett not working on this anymore we are not going to look into this any further at this time. We are focusing on other wholesale changes, which in turn will correct this issue. Please bear with us a little longer.
Good to know I’ll never get it fixed. What a joke. What is it that I pay for? The new site sucks and you should have never changed it. I miss tapatalk. Thanks for taking care of us (sarcastically!)
Jeez what do you expect for 30 bucks?  " We are focusing on other wholesale changes, which in turn will correct this issue. "  Despite the problems with the current site I know I have gotten way more than a $30 value from my membership. Admittedly it was a mistake to move the site to where it is now. But mistakes are made, we are all human. Personally I appreciate all the effort from the officers of the Atlanta Reef Club who serve strictly as volunteers, and who I'm sure are doing their best to rectify this situation. I completely understand not expending any more effort to fix this site but move forward in moving to a different site location. Good luck tonight at the board meeting and thank you for your time and hard work
Good to know I’ll never get it fixed. What a joke. What is it that I pay for? The new site sucks and you should have never changed it. I miss tapatalk. Thanks for taking care of us (sarcastically!)
Just so your aware VBulletin (our old platform) didn't have notifications.  We had notifications working again through about 5 days ago and an update must have occured that caused a conflict.  It can in all likelyhood be reset and reactivated to solve the issue.

Im actually out of town now.  However, I just tested and checked the settings.  I checked my email notifications and are getting notifications for those threads I am particpating in discusssions and I checked the "Notify me of follow-up replies via email".

There still maybe an issue with trying to get notifications from ALL posts created or replied to on the site.  It most likely is caused by a conflict with the plugin or a limit on the number of emails allowed to pass through our email server.
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