Is there really something inherently wrong with the term poor people? I have been poor. The term would have accurately described me when I was. I am far closer to being poor than I am to being wealthy even today 
In this case it seems like the poster was repeating what others told them when they sold their coral. It did not feel like it was meant to be an insult to me.
I do not think there is a problem in the hobby due to wealthy people or any group of people. I do agree that there is a bit of a premium on things in the hobby, but the reality is things cost whatever the market will support. It is not just wealthy people paying for all the gear and livestock getting sold in our hobby. Plenty of other people are out there buying too for prices to be as high as they are.
In my opinion the wealthier people in the hobby help to subsidize those of us who cannot afford to pay retail price for all the various gadgets you need to set a tank up. All of the equipment in my system was purchased used. Had the wealthy people I bought it all from not been able to let it go at a small fraction of its actual value I would not have a reef tank at all. A large portion of my livestock came from wealthy people as well.
I never cease to be amazed at the generosity of people in this forum and the members of ARC. So much generosity is displayed here in the forums and I bet there is just as much if not more happening behind the scenes.
There is nothing wrong with being poor. There is nothing wrong with being wealthy. Judge everyone as individuals and based on their own actions.
Most importantly, love everyone!

In this case it seems like the poster was repeating what others told them when they sold their coral. It did not feel like it was meant to be an insult to me.
I do not think there is a problem in the hobby due to wealthy people or any group of people. I do agree that there is a bit of a premium on things in the hobby, but the reality is things cost whatever the market will support. It is not just wealthy people paying for all the gear and livestock getting sold in our hobby. Plenty of other people are out there buying too for prices to be as high as they are.
In my opinion the wealthier people in the hobby help to subsidize those of us who cannot afford to pay retail price for all the various gadgets you need to set a tank up. All of the equipment in my system was purchased used. Had the wealthy people I bought it all from not been able to let it go at a small fraction of its actual value I would not have a reef tank at all. A large portion of my livestock came from wealthy people as well.
I never cease to be amazed at the generosity of people in this forum and the members of ARC. So much generosity is displayed here in the forums and I bet there is just as much if not more happening behind the scenes.
There is nothing wrong with being poor. There is nothing wrong with being wealthy. Judge everyone as individuals and based on their own actions.
Most importantly, love everyone!