Prices are getting crazy

Is there really something inherently wrong with the term poor people? I have been poor. The term would have accurately described me when I was. I am far closer to being poor than I am to being wealthy even today :P
In this case it seems like the poster was repeating what others told them when they sold their coral. It did not feel like it was meant to be an insult to me.

I do not think there is a problem in the hobby due to wealthy people or any group of people. I do agree that there is a bit of a premium on things in the hobby, but the reality is things cost whatever the market will support. It is not just wealthy people paying for all the gear and livestock getting sold in our hobby. Plenty of other people are out there buying too for prices to be as high as they are.

In my opinion the wealthier people in the hobby help to subsidize those of us who cannot afford to pay retail price for all the various gadgets you need to set a tank up. All of the equipment in my system was purchased used. Had the wealthy people I bought it all from not been able to let it go at a small fraction of its actual value I would not have a reef tank at all. A large portion of my livestock came from wealthy people as well.

I never cease to be amazed at the generosity of people in this forum and the members of ARC. So much generosity is displayed here in the forums and I bet there is just as much if not more happening behind the scenes.

There is nothing wrong with being poor. There is nothing wrong with being wealthy. Judge everyone as individuals and based on their own actions.

Most importantly, love everyone!
Poor people? What an asshat thing to even say.

Give me a month and I'll have a completely free setup up and running - minus whatever salt costs me.

***** rich people ***** are the problem in this hobby - not the younger person seeking creative ways to maintain a healthy tank for their own enjoyment and pleasure.
Wasn’t the term “poor people” a self described? So are you referring to those guys or the OP for being ass hats?

The hobby and it’s enthusiast has never been about wealth, but money is inherently part of it. Some people will have the means to have newer and more complex systems. Others will rather allocated extra income to other hobby’s or endeavors. You cannot say that a lm individual that spends more on his tank because it’s a display piece in their living room is a problem while others with cinder block stands is the quintessential idea of a hobbyist. Just like you said, let each have their own way to enjoy the hobby.

With that out of the way. Anything, I mean ANYTHING, has a demand at a price point. Just message the person and make an offer. Worst thing they can do is say no. Than you move on if you cannot justify the price. If you dwell on the fact that something is priced higher than your current means, oh boy life’s going to be a bit rough.
Crypto Begging GIF by Chubbiverse
I'm not really a coral guy but I would assume that the rising prices of the corals would have to do with either scarcity or a high demand for them.
I would think that if we decided to, as a community, put price ceilings on corals, we'd run into problems really quickly, such as shortages, sellers deciding that corals are not money-making prospects, and shoddier corals. I would say that high prices aren't coming from sellers getting greedier but some other external factors that are in general making reef-keeping a much more expensive prospect such as gas prices and general pandemic-y stuff (ahhh to be in the days of the $9.99 clownfish). Could be wrong, just my 0.02 cents in the matter.
On another note, being a high schooler who isn't very liquid and who loves this hobby, it has definitely been a struggle to grapple with the costs of this hobby, but it also has been a very fun experience having to make do when you know you can't get the "AIO" tank setup, heck the entire 75-gallon tank setup I'm running right now cost me 200 bucks on FB marketplace (75 after selling fish). I've learned how to build DIY skimmers and my dad and my brother made me a tank top out of door screening and scrap wood.

I will also say that people on this forum have been very supportive, offering me free corals, copepods, and Chaeto.