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Steve Burton

Staff member
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Seeks to me we need an "About ARC" section with information about the club, with the purpose, mission, constitution, bylaws, current officers and some history. I'm pretty sure there used to be a history section with some of this, but I can't find it anymore.
Screen Shot 2019-08-08 at 10.53.20 AM.png

The links on that front page are all there was available to be recovered from the previous setup.
Ok, thanks. Seems I can only get there by clicking certain links from a search for Atlanta Reef Club, most take me directly to the Forum tab, and once I'm on I can't get that page, seems my Home tab doesn't work, Home only takes me to the Forum tab.
Ok, thanks. Seems I can only get there by clicking the link from a search for Atlanta Reef Club, once I'm on I can't get that page, seems my Home tab doesn't work, Home only takes me to the forum tab.

You have to actually visit the specific URL.

It used to work the way you expect it to - but then a couple people determined that page was worthless and shouldn't exist and requested it not be the "home" link - so it got changed.
I don't mind going directly to forums but it seems I should still be able to get there by clicking Home

I don't disagree with you - it's not my decision - I'd say start a discussion with BoD / trustees and if there can be something productive come out of it - anyone with admin access can implement any change decided on.
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