RIP My skimmer :(

I got one of the last MTC MVX skimmers before MTC closed its doors. If it weren't for that I'd have a Lifereef. Not everyone has the space for those type skimmers and all the people I've met that's had a Bubble King has sworn by them.

In this case Lifereef's SVS2-24 is roughly the same footprint and height. It's also half the cost of the Royal Exclusive pump alone. If the pump can't be fixed or an alternative found that skimmer would be a good option.
thanks, again that's a brand I'm not familiar with. Looks like I'm heading to YouTube for Vs. videos )
Does anyone have experience with RLSS skimmers?

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Its a sad day. I haven't completely taken it apart yet, and I will, but it appears my beloved skimmer has passed on to the great reef in the sky.
Which, puts me in a crunch. Some of you will understand this, others will not. I don't mean to seem elitist or crazy, but here goes.

For the last 13 years I've only used Bubble King skimmers. They are quite awesome. To be honest other skimmers feel like toys (no offense to anyone). I've used everything from the gen 1 octo skimmers to aqua c, skims, and a 2 or 3 others while in transitional periods, and they all left me saying ... meh (I still remember how terrible that octo150 was).

THAT said.. it has been a while since I have had to do a skimmer purchase and I realize a lot can change in this hobby, so I'm open to suggestions. My question is... Is there anything out there that will get me close to a BK without dropping a grand or more? The footprint has to be within 10x11", and I'm not interested in external skimmers right now. My total volume is around 100g, so nothing crazy big.

So ... what are my high end skimmer options? or... do I just need to cry once buy once and find another BK mini?

Really appreciate your insight.

I can still get pumps from Klaus, what pump died? Can you pm me a pic of it and model number, and I can most likely get you a replacement for it. I actually brought (North American Distributor) for Bubble King and ZEOvit to the USA back in 04/05 would love to try and help you out!
I can still get pumps from Klaus, what pump died? Can you pm me a pic of it and model number, and I can most likely get you a replacement for it. I actually brought (North American Distributor) for Bubble King and ZEOvit to the USA back in 04/05 would love to try and help you out!

Will do.
I’ve been at work nearly non stop the last few days. Once I get home and get a lil rest I’ll get some more info.
Right now it’s in a bucket by the tank:)

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Will do.
I’ve been at work nearly non stop the last few days. Once I get home and get a lil rest I’ll get some more info.
Right now it’s in a bucket by the tank:)

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I think we can help you out. Like the Goonies say "Goonies never say die", Bubble Kings Never Say Die!
I believe this is what you'll need.

or this one

Some folks have used Askoll motor blocks as replacements, the Askoll 1500 was usually the block of choice as it was the closest to most of the RD blocks. Problem being, the 1500 is no longer produced. I believe the closest now is a 1250, there are differences though in the Askoll vs RD. I'm somewhat of a skimmer snob myself, the only thing I've seen comparable to a BK is Vertex. They are built just as well if not better IMO. I'm not overly fond of the PSK based pumps that some of the Vertex models run, but the 200i model runs an Askoll based pump and is incredible. I've got a 180i running right now (PSK model) on my 50 gal cube. It skims amazingly, but isn't dead silent like the BK I had in there prior.

Vertex just went under so all of their products were being clearanced out at most of the online retailers that carried them. I bought one of the last new 200i's in the nation a few weeks ago for 50% off, hopefully it'll end up on a tank build I'm trying to get going. There are still new 180i's available out there though. They're selling for $300 and would fit the bill for your size tank nicely if you're not able to get another BK or a replacement block. I've actually got a new one of them on the way too... just couldn't help myself, the build quality on them is incredible. Wish you were closer, I've got a BK double cone 150 that's all cleaned up, I could let you borrow it until you get what you need.

I did end up getting the motor to run again. But its iffy. It may actually be a power chord issue.
The RD on my Alpha 250 would run, then stop. Not sure if that's what you're dealing with or not, but I was told that was common when the power block was going. Can you make it run by moving the cord?
It appears to be ok at this point ... I’m really not sure why it stopped in the first place.
I’m going to get it a good bath then employ it and observe carefully.
Have some citric acid on the way from amazon

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Well I can now find nothing wrong with it.
Maybe the reef lord heard my plea


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I took it out disassembled it, cleaned in citric acid reassembled and it works?

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I do have to say, thank you to SEVERAL people who offered to help with parts or expertise in private messages.
It would have been no cheap fix, and I appreciate your help!

Now let’s see if it keeps going

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Awesome! It was just letting you know it needed a good cleaning... lol
Bubble King is definitely the best. The Red Dragon pumps are beasts. I just was cleaning mine a few weeks ago and dropped the impeller on the floor and broke it and was able to order a replacement from Royal Exclusiv

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Awesome! It was just letting you know it needed a good cleaning... lol
Definitely glad it is running. That column of bubble is soooo broad. Most of the other simmers I've had can fit inside that one ha. Today its still plugging along.
Well crap. I turned it off to do some maintenance and it won’t come back on AGAIN.

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well nevermind... now its on. I manually turned the needle wheel and could feel something binding it... .. something is getting stuck in the thing.... odd. Especially after i've cleaned it