Rit and other Chalice Freaks... You gotta check this out


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[IMG]http://i855.photobucket.com/albums/ab117/sexycorals/Picture175-1.jpg alt="" />
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Heres what i got so far. Ill list them with the retail price per eye as they would be on my website. At the end ill come up with the package deal and of course ill throw in some crazy stuff..

tyree bubblegum monster 5 eye $745
Mengs mummy eye 3 eyes $657
Tyree miami hurricane 8 eyes $1032
tyree red watermelon 8 eyes $1192
Tyree pink watermelon 7 eyes $1029
Rastafarian chalice 9 eyes $1521
Tyree jaydas watermelon 7 eyes $1043
Tyree bazooka Joe 7 eyes $1393
Tyree original mummy eye 6 eyes $894
Pink Boobies 3 eyes $885

TOTAL if i was to sell them separately full retail price .. $10391

Here is what i can do.. I can knock off $2391 and bring it to an Even $8000

I know If you spend that much, you want to get something worth it.. so I will give you a FREE I mean FREE 2 eyes almost three eye frag of the MY MIAMI !!
THERES MORE!! You will also get 2 eyes each off all of my SEXY CORALS EDITION chalices.. FREEEEEEEEE



and lastly i will also throw in the TRIO HORNETS!! red blue and purple!!
That's what I said. Chalices are crazy expensive... Granted he's selling huge pieces, not just frags. I'm guess (Rit chime in here) you could cut each one by the number of eyes they have and sell them all individually.
My miami goes for $1000 per eye its self. Most of our crazy chalice members are on the site most of the time lol I comsider myself one of those members.
Wow... pretty corals, but you could buy a decent used car for that...

Or make a bunch of mortgage payments...

Or take a sweet vacation...

Or pay nearly a year of tuition at GA Tech...


wow... I don't know if I am more impressed with the color or the price tags on these guys
I'd have to add in the additional costs associated with divorce lawyers and giving up half of everything I own. But very nice!
It would be nice if Sellers, just once in a while, would take pictures under SOMETHING OTHER THAN BLUE LEDs. Show daytime shots and then post some pics under blue LEDs, but please SPECIFY that you are doing so.

The practice of not indicating this is deceptive and dishonest, IMO. Some will notice it, and others will not. This Vendor doesn't say jack about what lighting the pics are taken under in the picture post. If anyone thinks those chalices will look like that under normal daylight bulbs, they are sadly mistaken.

If you want to see your chalices like that, then get ready to put down another several hundred dollars for some high intensity LED lights like Powerbrites or Reef Brites.

Frankly, I don't know what the Vendor is trying to accomplish, other than generate attention for himself.

He'll end up breaking that up into smaller frags and smaller frag packs.

Few, if any, people on R2R would plunk down that amount of money for a single purchase.
Acroholic;493983 wrote: Few, if any, people on R2R would plunk down that amount of money for a single purchase.

But you only need a few sales for stuff like that.

The whites on the eggcrate and sand look good, but if you look at his hand, the colors are off, unless he's a smurf.
bobz;493979 wrote: I'd have to add in the additional costs associated with divorce lawyers and giving up half of everything I own. But very nice!

Seriously... I'm already pushing the boundaries of marital bliss and I only have 2 cheap chalices.
No way would i ever pay that kind of money for a coral...im sorry but i can think of numerous amounts of other ways id rather spend 8 grand
I have every one of those chalices in that Frag Pack except Meng's. He'd do better to offer 1-2 eyes of each type. He'd make more $ too.
Yeah, they are already dropping pretty quickly as it is. I just keep waiting on the chalices to drop to a reasonable price.
He'd have more buyers with smaller eye-count frag packs is what I'm sayin'. I think he'll wait till Kingdom Come for a buyer for that pack.

MAYBE a LFS wanting to get into LE chalices could be a potential customer.

I'll just be very surprised if he sells to an individual hobbyist like you or me.
Just found this feedback thread on the same forum. All I have to say is... Wow...

Some people just have too much money!!! Unfortunately I'm not one of them.
IamRit;494220 wrote: Hey Bill. How did I missed your post?
Man, the picture is just awesome!!!! It's a great deal or not such a deal. It's depends on how you look at it.
I just sold a 12 pcs frag pack with some of those chalices in the pack for $650.00 shipped. I guess from that prespective, he's a little high.
Then again, I just sold a colony of the Red Watermelon pretty easily for $2,500.00 by itself. My pink wm went for $1,000.00.
BGM is a little overpriced. As goes for Miami Hurricane.
$8,000.00 is too rich for me. Plus I have all of them already. :D

I'll send you a text or a PM next time ;)

Check out my new guys I got today:

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