Ritteri Anemone


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any of you ever tried one? there's a spot at the top of my rockwork that i think would be perfect for one (If it stays there of course) and ive always wanted one but ive heard they can be really hard to keep any of you ever kept one successfully?
I know they get large and can also go downhill really fast.
Buy a bottle of cipro first to treat for bacterial infection if you get one. Get a 10gal tank, heater, light, pump for circulation and eggcrate to keep it away from the pump and enough water to do a 100% water change everyday For 7 days. I had one before and it looked perfect for 2 months and things went downhill fast. To set yourself up for success buy from someone that keeps them. There’s a guy on reef2reef that gets them in all the time along with a ton of other anemones and he treats them and keeps them for his collection, every now and then he sells one, but be ready to pay the price for a healthy one. A couple online retailers sell them but they don’t treat and your more than likely going to get an infected one. Wether you buy from someone or a retailer still buy the cipro to have on hand anyway. Can be kept in reef if on there own rock tower otherwise your risking losing corals since they will move and it’s usually up since they love light and lots of flow
Like the others have said. Mine looked big and beautiful for a couple weeks and within a couple days it was gone. If I were to try again some day I would definitely go the cipro route for the best chance.
I’ll do some research on this thanks for all the info
Tons of info on them on reef2reef and a thread on cipro treatment as well. They say once they are healthy and acclimated they are just as easy as keeping a bubble tip with the exception of higher light and flow. Good luck if you get one.