RK II Probe Placement Question?


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Hi all. Just picked up a RK II at the meeting last night and I am setting it up tomm. Just wondering for the people that already have them, where do you place the temp and the PH probes at?

I have heard of people placing them in the sump, some people place them in the overflows, others directly in the main tank.

What's the general consensus and the pros/cons?

Use the sump. It keeps ugly wires and probes out of your main tank. As long as your water is well mixed, the temp and pH should read the same no matter where the probes are located.
It's best to keep the temp probe in the main tank, IMO, esp. if you use the temp-cutoff functionality for the lights. That way, if something happens with your circulation to the sump, at least you won't cook your critters.
So do you all think the overflows would be a decent place to put the probes, so that way they will be out of sight, yet still be in the main tank, or just stick them in the main tank?
IMO, I would probably put the pH probe in the sump (somewhere bubbles won't collect on it) and the temp probe in the overflow.
I know, I know. I made progress last night by uploading all my pics from my digital camera to the comp and deleted everything off of the camera. Could have snapped some pics today, but it's so crappy out, the lighting would have been really bad.

Hopefully tomm, or Friday by the latest.
Maveri9720 wrote: So do you all think the overflows would be a decent place to put the probes, so that way they will be out of sight, yet still be in the main tank, or just stick them in the main tank?

Except that when your main pump doesn't work, your overflow may not have much water in it...
Mojo has a point with the temp probe in the display... I would keep the pH probe out of the light and keep it in a high flow area of the sump...
Alright, so I will put the temp probe in the main tank and the PH probe in the sump.

Tony mentioned not to put it in an area where bubbles can get on it, so that would eliminate the skimmer area and Schwaggs says in a high flow area, so that eliminates the return section, so should I just place the probe under the last baffle where the water is forced underneath?

Yea, I know it's trivial and I should just through the darn probes in there, but I just want to be sure first where the proper placement is for them.

Thanks for the help and patience.
You'll probably be fine just about anywhere in the sump. I'd be surprised if either a lower flow area or an area with microbubbles will affect the pH enough to worry about. You should be worried about stability more than it being off by 0.01.
Maveri9720 wrote: Alright, so I will put the temp probe in the main tank and the PH probe in the sump.

I always thought it was pretty standard to shove the temperature probe in where the sun don't shine... :lol2:
Wei, that has horrible. You're lucky I don't have admin priviledges, or I'd ban you for life. :boo:
Maveri9720 wrote: Wei, that has horrible. You're lucky I don't have admin priviledges, or I'd ban you for life. :boo:

And that's why we don't hand out admin rights... :crazy:
kappaknight wrote: I always thought it was pretty standard to shove the temperature probe in where the sun don't shine... :lol2:

Dr. House did that and it got him into all kinds of trouble with the cops. :)
Awwwww, cmon Chris I was just kidding............;)

(Seriously, when can I get admin rights?????? I PROMISE I won't abuse them.)
Maveri9720 wrote: when can I get admin rights??????

If I were to hand out administrative rights to everyone that asked, then the system would be impossible to administrate. Sorry- I'm only going to allow them when I see a need.