Rookie mistake high calcium

Lou knows his chemistry. I’ve swapped a few emails with him, as I’m going with Tropic Marin’s Carbo Calcium via my denitrator. It got his attention ;)

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Let work early as I was to worried about the tank. I topped off the tank with water before work. Tested when I got home

Cal 525
Alk 6.4.

I added 15ml of fusion to raise the alk. Taking it slow to not go crazy. I know once I raise the alk it will lower the calcium. I’ll check again in the am
Wow; yup, 6.4 dkH is definitely low. Otherwise, your calc being high will help you more than hurt you in this case. For the reason that high Calc doesn’t hurt much, I’ve always been a fan of keeping it on the high side.

Keep raising the Alk, and testing both. You can calculate how much Alk to dose (depending on the concentration of product you use). In your case, I would recommend not raising it any faster than a maximum 0.5 dkH per day, but maybe 0.25 dkH after the first 1 or 2 days.
Raise it slow
6.4 isn’t detrimental.... especially if you have high power lights
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