RTN on two monti caps and Green Birds Nest


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Well my two caps are RTNing and so is my green birds nest. The corals have been under cheap MH and have lost their color over the last 5 months. They have grown well but they lost color. I bought new Iwasaki 175w 15K halides and i thouhgt i did a good enough job aclimating them....guess not.

They are now on the bottom of the tank. Hopefully they can recover.

My green slimer is doing fine....but it was added about 3 months ago and was under MH lighting before i bought it.

Should i cut the dead spots off?


oh water params are fine, temp is 80-82. calcium 420, alk 8.8, ph 8.2, mag is 1550, i use Rowaphos and carbon, media is new.

I'm almost sure it just "burned" them, what do you all think?
IF IT'S RTN, then you want to cut off the dead parts ASAP!

If they're just bleached, then don't worry about it. You can tell the difference by looking to see if the flesh has melted away or just lost colour. If it's RTN, then you'll want to hurry up and start cutting.

I just hacked up 6" x 6" colony into dozens of small frags becasue of RTN. It sucks to have lost such a nice colony, but I hope that I can still have a frag left after it's all said and done.

I wonder if I have a crown of thorns in my tank somewhere?
I normally see RTN on SPS when alkalinity is an issue.

You say your Alk is 8.8? Is that in dKH or meq/L? If it's dKH, you're fine. If it's meq/L you are WAY too high. I bring this up because dKH is typically expressed as a whole number(8-14dKH), whereas alkalinity is typically expressed as a decimal(2.5-4meq/L).

I just want to make sure on this one.
the bad parts have been fraged out. Hopefully the smaller pieces live, they are on some flat rocks on the bottom, all the polyps are out...that's a good signe.