Sad Day for the 46 Bowfront :(

james s_

Active Member
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The bowfront is no longer.It was my first tank and surely not my last.Tonight was the night to transfer over the tank to its new temporary home(a 125 sump that im going to use on my 500),until my new 170 gallon cube is built.Im gonna miss that 46 BF.

Heres some pics of my fishies new home :) They really seem to enjoy the extra swimming room.

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And the last of the fish that are acclimating a Naso Tang,Yellow tang,Sailfin Tang,and a Foxface.Im sure they cant wait to spread their fins out since they have been in my sump for two weeks.
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Got a question for everyone,What do i do with all the sand from the 46? Should i put it in the refugium in the 55 gallon sump? Or will be asking for trouble if i mix it all up? I still have a powerhead and a heater in the 46bf keeping everything alive in the sand but im not 100% sure what i should do with it.Id hate to clean it and kill everything that has been growing for two years.
I say use it... If it was healthy sand it would go great in a fuge... You are not asking for any trouble IMHO by mixing it up.
I think the sand will be fine if you stay on top of your water params for a few days. You can kick up a lot of crap when you move any established sand bed. I think most people run into problems when they throw it in and aren't watching those params carefully. Ammonia spikes are apparently very common on these kinds of moves. Some people encourage (such as Fenner) to gradually move the sand over rather than just dumping it in or to use extra filtration for a few days to deal with the excess "crap". I am guessing by your setups that you have some high powered filtration already running so I wouldn't be that concerned. Just get ready for a quick water change just in case.
Cameron wrote: I think the sand will be fine if you stay on top of your water params for a few days. You can kick up a lot of crap when you move any established sand bed. I think most people run into problems when they throw it in and aren't watching those params carefully. Ammonia spikes are apparently very common on these kinds of moves. Some people encourage (such as Fenner) to gradually move the sand over rather than just dumping it in or to use extra filtration for a few days to deal with the excess "crap". I am guessing by your setups that you have some high powered filtration already running so I wouldn't be that concerned. Just get ready for a quick water change just in case.

Well the problem is im leaving for Miss. today,so i guess ill just leave the 46 running till i get back since i wont be able to take care of the 125.So do you think i should rinse it a bit with water from the tank before i stick it in? This tank has never had any phospate or nitrate problems so the sand should be in pretty decent shape.maybe ill just syphon it out a bit?
If you have livestock in the new tank I would stir it up in the 46, let it settle and then pull it out. Check the water quality (ammonia, nitrates) after you stir it up. If everything is good, you should be good. I would also check for dark spots in the sand itself. Personally, I think you can transplant it and you won't have a problem but I am one to error on the side of caution.

According to the experts (I believe one of Fenners books) excess crap seaps into the bedding and since there is no airflow it can be an ammonia/nitrate pit. Even if it comes from a great tank that has great filtration this problem can exist. I think this happens, but I think it happens on rare occasions because I couldn't find anyone who reported this as a significant problem when moving sandbeds. My guess is this is more theoritical. Most people notice a slight bump in ammonia, but nothing nearing toxic levels.

I read up on this due to moving that 90 gallon this weekend. I ended up using my own sand rather than the original sand, but that was strictly for aesthetic purposes.
In my new cube tank whenever i get that up and going i plan on using new sand because im going to need alot more then what i currently have. Im going to keep the 46 running till this weekend when i get back in town then slowly transfer it over to the sump after ive syphon'd as much crap as i can out of it..Im going to chance it and hope that i dont have any crazy algae outbreaks.I allready expect to have a little bit of an issue since the tank and sump have new silicone,new pvc,new baffles,etc.....Thanks for the advice guys.