sad day


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So this all started with me recently bought a powder blue tang from a member here. He looks just like any powder blue tang, except that the blue color is kind of faded compared to what I see at the LFS, but I thought I got a good deal for $70 and get his color back over time. I acclimated him just like any other fish and put him in my frag tank. He was fine for a few days and then he started to show white spots on the fins. I took him out and put in a QT with medications for a few days, and during this time I realized something huge: this fish had eye sight problem. His eyes look normal, but when I drop the pellets in he kept missing them while they are in the water column, and when the pellets landed on the bottom of the tank he tries to go after them but always misses the pellets by about 1/8 of an inch or so. After 4 days in the QT tank the white spots were almost all gone, but he could barely eat anything and looked miserable. I could tell that he tried to go after the pellets for like 5 min and then gave up. He died yesterday in the QT when I got home after work. I also found that my coral beauty and 1 of my black clowns also died yesterday in my frag tank :(, and the other black clown has a some kind of white stuffs on his body as well, so I pulled him out and QT him last night. I'm so sad. All started with 1 new fish in the system from a member here. The pair of black clowns I have had for 3 years now and now the male is gone and the female is sick. Maybe I should not have gotten that powder blue tang in the first place. But I have always wanted a powder blue :). I feel like an idiot now.
demifelix;1003081 wrote: So this all started with me recently bought a powder blue tang from a member here. He looks just like any powder blue tang, except that the blue color is kind of faded compared to what I see at the LFS, but I thought I got a good deal for $70 and get his color back over time. I acclimated him just like any other fish and put him in my frag tank. He was fine for a few days and then he started to show white spots on the fins. I took him out and put in a QT with medications for a few days, and during this time I realized something huge: this fish had eye sight problem. His eyes look normal, but when I drop the pellets in he kept missing them while they are in the water column, and when the pellets landed on the bottom of the tank he tries to go after them but always misses the pellets by about 1/8 of an inch or so. After 4 days in the QT tank the white spots were almost all gone, but he could barely eat anything and looked miserable. I could tell that he tried to go after the pellets for like 5 min and then gave up. He died yesterday in the QT when I got home after work. I also found that my coral beauty and 1 of my black clowns also died yesterday in my frag tank :(, and the other black clown has a some kind of white stuffs on his body as well, so I pulled him out and QT him last night. I'm so sad. All started with 1 new fish in the system from a member here. The pair of black clowns I have had for 3 years now and now the male is gone and the female is sick. Maybe I should not have gotten that powder blue tang in the first place. But I have always wanted a powder blue :). I feel like an idiot now.

First sorry for your loss... Now powder blues are one of the most finicky tangs. The move could have been just enough stress to put him in a downward spiral. Doesn't make you an idiot just next time QT to be safe or inspect the fish before purchase.
Yeah I know now. The whole transaction was based on trust. I looked at him for days in the QT and can't tell anything wrong with his eyes until he starts going after the pellets. I guess if I had purchased from the LFS I would have had the chance to observe him eating in the first place. Rookie mistake I guess.
One thing I've learned after 2 major ick outbreaks is that regardless of how the fish may appear, to ALWAYS QT them for a minimum of 4 weeks and I also treat with Cupramine the whole time as a precautionary.
I'm sorry this happen to you! I brought home a little fire clown a few years ago that looked perfectly healthy, had been in someones tank for over 6 months and a week later all my fish had Brooklynella and I lost them all. It hurts to loose so many beautiful little friends. Holley
Genesis;1003086 wrote: One thing I've learned after 2 major ick outbreaks is that regardless of how the fish may appear, to ALWAYS QT them for a minimum of 4 weeks and I also treat with Cupramine the whole time as a precautionary.
Yep, lesson learned

Raz0945;1003097 wrote: I'm sorry this happen to you! I brought home a little fire clown a few years ago that looked perfectly healthy, had been in someones tank for over 6 months and a week later all my fish had Brooklynella and I lost them all. It hurts to loose so many beautiful little friends. Holley
Thanks Holley. I can't imagine how you felt when you lost them all. I lost only 3 and I hope it stops there.

BTW, all these years I still haven't been able to pay you a visit. I need to do that sometimes. Heard so many good stuffs that you have collected over the years.
Im sorry bud I lost my Picasso clown (first carpet surfer ever) and my wrasse within a week of one another last month and I freely admit to shedding a few tears for both of them , my 1st and oldest fish and my tank mascot/favorite , I've been really bummed.
I'm sorry about the tang its unfortunate but more so for the healthy fish you lost due to the situation.
I hope the 2nd clown pulls through
You would be welcome!

demifelix;1003107 wrote: Yep, lesson learned

Thanks Holley. I can't imagine how you felt when you lost them all. I lost only 3 and I hope it stops there.

BTW, all these years I still haven't been able to pay you a visit. I need to do that sometimes. Heard so many good stuffs that you have collected over the years.
Tbub1221;1003109 wrote: Im sorry bud I lost my Picasso clown (first carpet surfer ever) and my wrasse within a week of one another last month and I freely admit to shedding a few tears for both of them , my 1st and oldest fish and my tank mascot/favorite , I've been really bummed.
I'm sorry about the tang its unfortunate but more so for the healthy fish you lost due to the situation.
I hope the 2nd clown pulls through

yeah I hope this clown pulls thru too. If she does I'll find her a new mate. thanks.