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What brand of salt do most peoplehere use? Ive been using Kent salt with no issues but its time to buy some more so im up for suggestions.

Also, where is a good place to buy salt around here (in on the west side of town). I can get 150gal online for 47.99 after shipping.
I use Reef Crystals and I think you can buy them from Dr. Fosters shipped for around $37.
Not really... I found that buying multiple buckets from Dr. Fosters is cheaper than shopping at the LFS, and it's for better salt too. They don't charge extra shipping for the extra weight and it comes directly to your door.
I use Tropic Marin, more expensive but never had a problem. I get mine from

And it is cheaper to order online and pay the freight than to get locally. I save $10-20 per bucket even paying higher shipping fees for the weight compared to the LFS.
I'm an Instant Ocean (IO) man myself. Used it since the begining of my saltwater ventures and have never had any issues with it.
I like Kent Salt. I know they had a problem with some alk earlier this year, but I believe they have resolved all problems. I have heard some good things about Tropic Marin, but I have never tried it.

I buy mine from my LFS. It does cost a little more than online, but I believe in supporting the LFS when possible and logical ($100 in LFS vs $50 online after shipping is not logical). My LFS helped me out when I had a tank leak, and met me at the store after hours so I could get some RO water when I desperately needed some in another emergency.

My two cents...

Interesting... I don't mean to sidetrack this convo but do you shop online for other stuff?

Competition is competition...
kappaknight wrote: Not really... I found that buying multiple buckets from Dr. Fosters is cheaper than shopping at the LFS, and it's for better salt too. They don't charge extra shipping for the extra weight and it comes directly to your door.

Reef Crystals
Thats the exact route I go, and because of the size and bulkiness of the buckets, the fedex man usually drops mine off early to get it out of his way. I have found some good (and bad :sad:) vendors online - but foster & Smith are far and away the best I have dealt with.
Hey Kappa,

I don't want to hijack this thread, but I do shop online for non-reef related items. As stated above, I will buy items online when the cost is significantly more at the LFS. That's just common sense, but if its a matter of a mere 10-20%, I'll support the people that will give great advice and help me in a bind.

Again, I like Kent Salt. :) I'd like to try Tropic Marin though.

kappaknight wrote: sorry, my question is for burdundi... thanks though :)

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I get petsmart to match their online price at the store and get buckets of IO for $32 or so.

I agree, Dr. Foster & Smith is a first class operation!
THAT IT!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to buy ALL my dry good from online store.

I only buy salt like 1 a year. So last month I went to a grand opening lfs and thought I support our LFS and buy BTA and salt from them.

$79.99 + tax for a bucket of reefsalt is what they charge me. I just look at Dr.Froster and Smith and saw the same bucket of salt for $37.99

I can understand LFS price is t a little more then the online price, but double the online price? :(

This is the first and the last time I am going to drive an hour to their store.