Saltwater effect on sewage systems

I sure that you have a 1500 gal in ground tank which would be the smallest tank for a septic system and everything goes in there first then out to the drain fields.
First unless your planning on dumping your whole tank all at once down the drain and still you would be fine.
It's only water change amount plus all the fresh water your going to dump from RO and house whole use is enough to dilute the SW, as for the Bactria in the septic tank and thats the only place there are, it won't do them a thing.
My opinion you should be fine.

For all of us with saltwater tanks, what do you do with your water?
Ask your lfs what they do with their water?
Down the drain is my guess!

Look at it this way, you might grow some lps out in the yard.
ghbrewer;984338 wrote: You bring up a good point, but my house is near where our neighborhoods storm system empties directly into a perineal stream. I may be over thinking this a little, but just don't want to damage anything if I can avoid it. Running it to the street would be the best option since it does not affect my property, that and we are only really talking about 1 to 2 gallons a day (automated water change system). While that doesn't seem like a lot, I imagine it would sterilize the soil from constant exposure if I were to dump it in the yard.

Engineers worst enemy!!! Paralysis from analysis. Just dump the water in the drain buddy. Salt on road salt in drain system. It's only a few gallons:doh: