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ok so i dnt know what kind or color sand i want to go in the 9 will you guys let me see some 9ics of your tanks and the 9ros and cons of the sand to kinda give me a idea of what i want thanks
If you come to the April meeting I'll bring you a keyboard.

You must have gotten your keys all sticky somehow...:yuk:
So your girlfriend's mom got the keyboard all sticky? Dude, I think they make late night movies that start out like this.

Seriously, if you want a keyboard, I can bring you one. My dad has enough parts in the basement for probably 20 computers (though they'd all run under 500mhz, so not worth anything), but nice to have spare parts available.
What color is the background, blue, black, or grey? I think black sand with a black background could really make the coral colors pop.

I have ultra fine particles (sugar sized) in my 10G nano, and a mix of sugar sized, 1-2mm, and "reef substrate" in my 75. IMO the reef substrate looks "natural" with crushed shells, whole shells, etc.
i think im going to go with a gray back on the tank. i dont like the black as some of the fish get lost in it. so it will be gray or blue. im thinking about black sand
i have black on the other tank and do not like it at all. i think im going to get some acrylic and paint it and not the back of the tank so i can change it if i want