Scoly on it's way out?


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Just got this Scolymia tonight. It's acclimating now (drip) and the plan is low light low flow to see if it gets any better... What do you think. Is it a goner?

edit/ also going to dip it. seachem reef dip.
Doesn't look too bad, it hasn't receded verymuch. Just keep it fed and make sure your water stays stable and it should be fine.

Good luck.
That should be relatively easy to recover. Nurture it.

Edit: If you don't have a warm fuzzy feeling about it, you can bring it over here.... but i think you can do it. Like au alum said, feed it well.
au alum;863435 wrote: Good luck.

I want to feed it, it keeps opening and closing its mouth. But I read not to until it puffs up. Anybody else think I should feed it?

Scoly owners.. ever had one come back from this shape?
Ripped Tide;863436 wrote: That should be relatively easy to recover. Nurture it.

Edit: If you don't have a warm fuzzy feeling about it, you can bring it over here.... but i think you can do it. Like au alum said, feed it well.

That's two for feeding it. I think I will.

anyone advise against dipping? its still getting a drip haven't put it in yet

Ripped Tide;863438 wrote: Give it time before feeding. especially if you just got it.

Dipping everything is a good idea. Hell, that scoly is probably fine, just shrunken from shipping and acclimation.
It wasn't shipped. It was cheap too. I feel better now, it's my first scoly and I was pretty worried when I got home with it. I've never seen one that isn't puffed up.

I didn't really get a good look at it as he had it in his sump and bagged it and double bagged it in a brown grocery bag. And I wasn't skeptical bc we met at his house and his tank looked great. I saw a small picture of it on my phone (craigslist).

Anyway, thanks guys. any more opinions are welcome. plan is to put it in the corner of the frag tank (bare bottom) behind a rock. I read low flow low light for recovery.

I had also heard that once algae grows on a scolys skeleton it's done for
Ripped Tide;863436 wrote: That should be relatively easy to recover. Nurture it.

Edit: If you don't have a warm fuzzy feeling about it, you can bring it over here.... but i think you can do it. Like au alum said, feed it well.

Agreed...Nurture and feed it. If you have any cleaner or fire shrimps, or scavengers, you may want to keep a close eye upon feeding. Scolies are defenseless at feeding/digesting time, and shrimps (at least mine) are notorious for stealing food from them. A makeshift container (coke bottle) covering the scoly while feeding will save you a lot of time...
JimmyStephens;863476 wrote: Hey man. Ur welcome to bring him over and ill help u get him back to normal

true that you have scoly life saving skills lol but it is looking a lot better. I have it in my frag tank in the shelter of a rock (you would recognize the rock too, its the larger nice piece from that 30 cube)

I would like a lesson in killing aiptasia when I come back over though!!!! I'll bring the aiptasia!! I have 20-30 of them in the 29 BC. part of me wants to boil the rock...

anyway heres what it looked like when I got home. It just had its tentacles out and looks even better now (an hour after the pic) so it is recovering fast. What had me really worried is once I looked at the advertised pic on a bigger screen it didn't look good so it wasn't just transporting it.

dipped last night (reg dose for first 5 min then double dose for additional 3 min) then placed in low flow sheltered from light. But even just having the blue lights on the color is all messed up in the pic. looks awesome in person though." alt="" />

Edit: also there is algae around the edges of the tissue, but not on the tissue, on the base (rock/skeleton.. IDK how these corals work)

should I let the crabs/snails clean it? or leave it alone. right now there is a blue leg hermit who can get to it but hasn't shown any interest.

man! if only I could photograph the way the colors look under the blue moonlights right now!!!

this one is with flash. gonna start feeding it soon. tomorrow night.
Many corals have a remarkable ability to heal themselves. I had a plate coral that grew from a dime size to about 2" and then basically died. It came back on top of itself, starting out about the size of a pencil eraser and is now about 1". You can still see the dead skeleton beneath it! It's amazing.
I'm hoping that some zoa frags that I have pull something like that. I had a heater fail luckily all my eggs were not in one basket. The polyps are still there and glow under blue lights, they just haven't come out in over a week.
I fed him, after the expo.

Should I let my crab walk around on it? I mean, its not like I can stand guard and keep it from happening all the time
JDavid;864737 wrote: I fed him, after the expo.

Should I let my crab walk around on it? I mean, its not like I can stand guard and keep it from happening all the time

happens in the ocean...