What is this little fella?

JennM;1020839 wrote: I heard my name in vain... again ;)

I was going to say it's a planarian of some sort too but Pico brings up a good point about antennae, although I'm not sure those are antennae. Its shape says planarian to me...

It could also indeed be a nudibranch. Most of the hitchhiker nudibranchs I've seen are of the coral-munching variety although most have been somewhat frilly looking.

If in doubt, get it out.

Where did you find it? Was it on the glass or on a coral or something else?


I found the one in the photos on the glass.
I dispatched his behind to the garbage disposal. The next day, I found his brother on the glass as well. I knew if there was one, there had to be more.

Nudibranch or Planarian, I don't care. If it's not a know good guy, how do I rid a 29 cube of these things?
without knowing what it is there's no way to know for sure how to get rid of it. the only thing you can do is catch and dispose of every one you see and hope that you'll get them all eventually.
SleepyReef;1020926 wrote: Planarian are cute little harmless creatures. What did they ever do to you?

Nothing. Yet...
I don't mind most of the hitchhikers that find their way into my tanks.
I just don't want the ones that want to munch on my $$ or work.
Not all planarians are harmless - red planaria - red flatworms - they can become problematic. That's not what this one was, but if in doubt, remove it. It stinks to find out the hard way that that innocent looking mystery creature is a detriment.

I'm not for indiscriminately killing stuff, but Napoleon's law applies in a reef - guilty til proven innocent.

This is pretty close, I think! Photographer says they prey on all sorts of corals. Remove them!

Shrimpy Brains;1021671 wrote: This is pretty close, I think! Photographer says they prey on all sorts of corals. Remove them!


[IMG]https://scontent-lax.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/11045438_10152704086212724_4692415463819482526_n.jpg?oh=965c52cfc691cbc77097c3b7e20a627d&oe=556FBF63" alt="" />

[IMG]http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/picture.php?albumid=373&pictureid=2965" alt="" />

It is indeed pretty close.
I'm picking them out when I see them.

Thus far, I've only seen two.

Do you think a Coris Wrasse would clean them up?
i'd say those two creatures are one and the same. the antennae (or whatever they are) have the same shape, are both brown with a faded line running across them about mid way. the markings appear to have the same pattern on both and even the "flap" on the front is the same, both having a dark rim and tapering in towards the body around where the antennae are attached.

as far as if the wrasse will eat it. that depends on the size of these guys and if they're poisonous or not which i doubt it is cause its markings are very dull. but i'd guess that your wrasse was already working on them before you noticed them in the tank.
Picoreefguy;1021699 wrote: i'd say those two creatures are one and the same. the antennae (or whatever they are) have the same shape, are both brown with a faded line running across them about mid way. the markings appear to have the same pattern on both and even the "flap" on the front is the same, both having a dark rim and tapering in towards the body around where the antennae are attached.

as far as if the wrasse will eat it. that depends on the size of these guys and if they're poisonous or not which i doubt it is cause its markings are very dull. but i'd guess that your wrasse was already working on them before you noticed them in the tank.

If they aren't the same, they are closely related.
My Yellow Coris is in my tank. These funky little creatures are in my son's tank.
I was thinking that if I could catch my wrasse (yeah, right), that he could spend a week or so in my son's tank. There's pods-o-plenty as well as those little freaky slug like creatures.
i wouldnt go that far lol that would probably stress him out more than its worth. just keep an eye on the tank and tell your son to do the same. by the way how small are these things? i cant get an idea of scale from the pictures.
The two that I've seen are about 1/2 inch.
My Wrasse, assuming he takes a liking to them, could devour them, no problem.

But your right, the stress to the Wrasse and myself might be too much for either of us to deal with.

What else is there that might enjoy snacking on these little freaks?
honestly im not sure what would work in a 29 biocube. most of the fish that i can think of would be too big. have you considered getting one of the smaller species of wrasses? maybe a six line or something simillar