Seahorses?? Worth it

Ive started a new thread to get input on what times/days would be best for the get together. If I don't get more responses soon, I'm just picking a date/time myself, and we'll see who shows up! :)
Just wanted to bump this thread, and make sure everyone knew about the Seahorse meeting coming up this Sunday. I wanted to call it "seahorses for dummies" but.... I don't think any of you are dummies :)

<span style="color: Red;">Date: January 21, 2007
Location: Tony's American Grille and Tap (1085 Holcomb Bridge. Rd)
Time: 4:30pm Mingle, 5:00pm start of presentation
Topics: Tank setup, Needs of seahorses, General Getting going info, as well as a Q&A session with local seahorse experts.</span>

I will be giving a short(ish) talk with a powerpoint presentation and then opening the floor to questions, comments, concerns, ideas, global domination strategies..... we'll see how it develops!

If you have any interest in getting into the hobby, there will be plenty of information for you, and if you already are experience in the realm of seahorses, I hope that you might learn something too, but also that you come share your wisdom with the people.

As I posted in the other thread, please feel free to email any questions to me so that they can be answered at the meeting.

Also, the bar has asked me to try to get a basic headcount so they can staff it properly, so If you are planning on attending, please either say so here or send me a pm or email. We want this to be a fun event where you learn a lot, have a good time, and.... be well served by the staff, so that you can get your eat & drink on......