Sebae Anemone


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I've had this sebae anemone for a couple months now, and he's always open and seems really happy. I feed him a few times per week of very small scallops, mysid shrimp, and also feed tank phytoplankton. From the attached pics, you may or may not be able to see that part of it looks shriveled up. It is noticeably smaller in total size. Is my anemone about to split?? Or is it sick?? I just walked by 2 hours ago, and it was spread open likenormal and just a few mins. ago, shriveled up. I have 3-150 watt MH bulbs and 4-96 watt PC bulbs. the tank is a 135 with weekly water changes of 15-20%. This is the first week, however, that I haven't changed water yet-will change tomorrow or possibly tonight.
you got excited again repost or email them to me at
a> ill post for you
another try...
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I hope so--I really like this anemone and he was doing so well (so I assumed).
just an update--from Fri. or Sat. I believe---the sebae is opening back up, but hasn't split. How long does it take for the nem to split when it is going to split? Also, seems like its tentacles are skinnier now than before-and he is noticably smaller-like shrunk down in size (if that makes sense).
i dont know maybe just resting or sick and that how it was cooping with it but glad its picking back up
yeah--definately picked back up from what it was--I nearly crapped my pants when I saw it the other night:yuk: . But seems better, but still not 100% from what it was. I thought it was splitting, but it never did.
dont feel bad my beautiful rbta lost all it tenticals because of a chemistry issue i had but its picking back up and they are growing back