Selling or Giving Away Coral with a Bryopsis Outbreak


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I am going to treat with another jug of TechM, manual removal, and water changes. However, if that don't fix it, I am breaking down and movin' on to cichlids. What is the appropriate etiquette for disposing (selling, giving away free, discarding, etc.) of verts and some fish for that matter from a DT with bryopsis? I can't logically see any one risking the introduction in their own tank, so I thought I would ask. I have too much respect for any type of living organism to trash it. My 55 only has a handful of verts and 3 fish that will be 5 years old in Feb.

Thanks for reading and advising :)
What fish and verts do you have.. and im sure if you dip anything you buy it will kill it.. let me kn p w what all you have
I heard it can't be dipped away.

Torch coral
Devil's hand
Frog Spawn
Toad Stool
Mated maroons (which will not let a piranha in the tank!)
Royal Gramma

All low maintenance stuff. Which is all doing fine, despite prolonged Mg levels (1800 to 2000) for a month now. The frog spawn and hammer has looked happier before the TechM.

I would check with many hobbyists before determining that dipping will work. Again, I heard from a very experienced and successful member that it will not work. I still have no idea how it was introduced to my DT.
you can beat it I promise.

Get a bucket and soak any rocks without coral on them in hydrogen peroxide. Rinse and return to tank.

I've even heard of dosing H2O2 but only as a last resort and usually just FOWLR
the bubble tips and fish can be introduced into a new aquarium with no risk of introducing the bryopsis. You can sell those with a clear conscience
Drastic times bring drastic measures. Put the rocks in a bucket and pour on some H202 and start scrubbing with a brush. I have never had Bryopsis but have had some other algae outbreak and this cured it. But I only did one or two rocks at a time just in case I killed all the good bacteria.
H202 will work on the rock. I have done it. Look on Reef Central, there is a huge thread on it. You can dilute the Peroxide with RO in a bucket and soak the rock then scrub with a brush. Don't give up! I am in Woodstock, I can help if you like.
Well, Reefer JW has inspired d me to try to lick this with his help. PM sent. Let's see what happens. I would feel better about getting-out and selling knowing it was cleared-up. Thanks everyone!
Just to add to my previous post, here is an extensive link on Nano Reef about using H2O2..."></a>

[QUOTE=][B]ReeferJW;930451 wrote:[/B] H202 will work on the rock. I have done it. Look on Reef Central, there is a huge thread on it. You can dilute the Peroxide with RO in a bucket and soak the rock then scrub with a brush. Don't give up! I am in Woodstock, I can help if you like.[/QUOTE]
i would suggest staying with it... everyone here has had that issue at one time or another.

if you feel like it has too tight of a hold then strait up REPLACE the live rock with dry rock and give it another go.

you WILL eventually get it right.

Thanks folks. I am going to try the H202 method and a few more water changes, etc. If I decide to get out, I will all know. Thanks for the pms and advice. :)
Hi Again. Thanks for all of the PMs to buy stuff. I am not there yet, but will let all know when and if I do. I don't have anything exotic, but I guess there's always a need for the basics at the right price. I will not be saving the PMs or other offers to buy......I just wanted to know what the "right" thing to do was. I hope all arrived home safely today. Thank you.
Before you go giving everything away or trying peroxide the actual cure you want is Fluconazole.  Dont listen to the 3-4 week time though, you want 6 weeks to make sure its all dead.