Several questions about fish and skimmers!

lol well i guess that's why it isnt working there is no venturi line...i read that it is not needed on the web somewhere and I didn't put it on. sometimes it just sucks getting the wrong info...oh well i will mess with it tonight. thanks guys

and yes more info on getting clowns to host!!
Xyzpdq0121 wrote: Please tell me your tips for this. ;) I have only had one pair over the years that did it on their own (took them about a year to figure out what they were suppost to do). I have gotten one other pair to do it by "showing" them how to do it. My newest pair is showing some intrest in their BTA so I am hoping thay they will figure it out.

Stroid: Ya you need a venturi line in the skimmer. Something needs to be able to pull air into the skimmer to produce bubbles that create the foam.

I habve always used bubble tips or long tentacles, and have just been very patient. The only other thing I can imagine playd a part, is that I'm a fish junkie. I like big fish, too. SO perhaps, the larger fish "intimidated" the clowns, and they sought refuge. Who knows.
That could be, if the fish do not need to hide, then maybe they wont. I have tried a flash light on them shortly after lights out, kind of leaving the motel light on for them. They like to be nosey and know what is going on. I have used the nori clips that look like a clown and set it by the BTA, the clowns "learn from the other clown, believe it or not that worked the last time. This newest time I have been using a laser pointer pen. Fish act like cats to it and I have gotten my clowns to play next to the BTA with it and have started showing interest in the BTA now. We will see how it works.
those are really interesting suggestions might have to try some of those out
Sorry about that. I should have been more specific about the chemicals. I add Garlic Guard, Kent brand Zoe, and Zoecon to the food when I thaw it out. That's what I meant by adding chemical suppliments.
here are some pictures if you guys could help me identify what these things are in my tank.
First here is a picture of the clown and the spots on it.
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Here is a picture of some anemone looking thing next to my orange/brown is pink with green tips in the top center almost between the rocks but i have no idea what it is maybe Wei does it came from his tank.
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Here is a picture of some bubbly looking pink stuff growing on my rock the big one on the left and the pink stuff is to the left of the green zoas(not a great picture)
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the second picture could be a majano or aiptasia. the second is xenia. cool but will spread pretty fast . just keep it high.
my clown started with a few spots like that but now is covered, i dont know what it is but he is doing fine . they are not raised or tumorish. none of the other fish have this problem.
????? dont know
sorry i should have been more clear I know that is a xenia the thing i am talking about it to the right of the xenia in the second picture. And in the third picture directly on the rock on the left there is some bubbly pink grow on the rocks it was hard to photograph
i think its cyano.hard to tell from the pics. hopefully not. how old is the tank?? what are your water paramiters??
tank is around 4 months old and all the paramiters are fine i test the tank regularly.
I did a bit of research on aiptasia and I think that what I have in picture 2 may be an aiptasia<span style="font-size: 13px;">. If so what is the best way of removing it. thanks...btw i dont know why the font increased and I cant get it change back. lol</span><span style="font-size: 13px;"> </span>
Since it is so close to your corals, I would use Joe's Juice. Other then that I just use really hot water and a turkey baster.
can i just put on gloves and pull it out? or will that not really get rid of it.
If you try to physically remove it, you risk breaking it and having little anemones all around your tank. Here's a good link:
