Sharing sump with 2 tan


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I have 2 tanks - a 210g FO+LR+'shrooms + starpolys w/40g sump and a 30g inverts+LR running w/canister filter. The 2 tanks are currently independent of each other.

I'd like to improve the turn-over & filtration on the 30g and add skimming. Instead of purchasing a small HOT skimmer (no room to add a sump), can I plumb the 30g into the 210g's sump using a hang-on overflow and a return pump?
dkelly;43719 wrote: I have 2 tanks - a 210g FO+LR+'shrooms + starpolys w/40g sump and a 30g inverts+LR running w/canister filter. The 2 tanks are currently independent of each other.

I'd like to improve the turn-over & filtration on the 30g and add skimming. Instead of purchasing a small HOT skimmer (no room to add a sump), can I plumb the 30g into the 210g's sump using a hang-on overflow and a return pump?


You certainly can, but if it were me, I'd drill (or ask JOMT to do it :) ) the tank and plumb it to the sump.

I think Simon K. did this w/ his nano... it now has a 600g sump... :yay:
I think it's a good idea. Once you complete the project, however, turning on the new return pump will essentially be like performing a 100% waterchange with your 210g tank's water. If the salinity/temp/water parameters are different, you could shock the inhabitants of your 30 gal. So I would acclimate the 30 gal to the new water slowly before turning on it's return pump.
I agree with Bryan. It can be done just be careful how you do it with that "small" of a tank. I would find a return pump for your 30 gal that returned about 100-150gph and that is all. Also know that IF you get a problem in one tank, chances are you are going to effect the entire system. Something to take stock in! I have thought about doing this with my 55 gal and my new 40 gal but have not gotten permission for the boss (better half) to drill that much into the crawl space.
My future plans are to do the same. My new build of my 70+Gal frag tank will be part of my current 30GAL display tank. Not only will this increase water volume for the entire system making it more stable but the abilty for the frags to repair/grow in the same system is that they were frag'd in is the best way to frag. (in my opinion). Good luck!
All excellent advice above.Things to note and some will be a repeat of above advice/opinion:1. Make sure that the sump will have enough capacity to contain all of the water leaving both tanks during power outage. This will depend on how high of water level you run in the sump normally and also how much water back drains from the tanks and plumbing above the water line of the sump. It should not be too much of a concern for you with the small 30g display addition to what I would assume is a large sump running on your 210g.2. Understand that any pest or disease that sneeks into one tank will have immediate access to any connected tanks. Then you just have to treat more gallons of water. Some meds cannot be used in tanks/systems with inverts. 3. I like to keep plumbing and overflows as simple as possible. Hang-on-the-back over-the-top style boxes worry me a little. I ran one without incident for 4 years in college; however I would rather a drilled tank without question now that it is what I have. I am just a worry wart I guess.4. Having multiple systems connected with a common sump can be a great way to have really nice, big, high dollar equipment that takes care of lots of tanks. This would be in contrast to 2, 3, or 4+ tanks each with it own cheaper smaller equipment.
Sorry that I cannot do a better job with the text above. On this computer (here at work) I cannot add any returns. Thissentencehas areturnbetween eachword. Instead it just lookslike a long big block:(
What type of shister place do you work where they do not allow you to ise the enter key?!? That is like giving you a keyboard with out the "S" key!
The keyboard does have a return and it does work in the 'Quick Reply' box and shows up as if it is going to work. Then when it is posted to the forum it all of the sudden has no returns.
I am at home now. So I can enjoy seeing the fruit of the enter key's effort.
Also I can only use the 'Quick Reply' to get my post to show up. More than once I have typed out long responses under the 'Post Reply' tab only to find that when I hit the submit tab nothing happens. Ohh and I cannot cut and paste either so all of the words typed cannot be moved to this 'Quick Reply' message area. Very frustrating.
The computer is a "dummy terminal" (that is not really supposed to refer to the person operating the machine by the way) so I am not sure if that has anything to do with it. Also the office is running ancient crap like QSI if any of you remember what that is. :sad: