Short intense photoperiod?

this is a really interesting statement that I don't think most reefers consider:

As hobbyists, we generally think of lighting in the terms of two separate components: Intensity and Photoperiod. In reality, these two are interlinked and can be used to calculate a third component: The Daily Light Integral (DLI). One of the best analogies I've heard about the value of DLI is as follows: An instantaneous measurement of PAR is analogous to the number of raindrops falling upon a given area in a given time. We should be more interested in the total amount of PAR falling upon a given area per day, which is similar to inches of rainfall per day.
finished the article and now I need to let it sink in :) Good read in my opinion and the idea of the DLI is really interesting and has big implications as far as photoperiod goes and light intensity .
Here is the article section on calculating DLI:

"The formula for DLI is simple. It is Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR, reported as micromole per square meter per second, or molm²sec) times the photoperiod in seconds.

For example, let's determine the DLI for a coral receiving 250 molm²sec for 12 hours:

250 molm2sec * (12 hours * 60 minutes per hour * 60 seconds per minute, for a total of 43,200 seconds) = 10,800,000 molm² in 12 hours. We can divide the result by 1,000,000 to arrive at usable shorthand of Mol per Day, which is 10.8 Mol per Day."

So, for the average Joe aquarist... he would want to figure out the Mol per day and possibly replicate what is on the coral reef. This is a little easier for those of us with on off lights vs a ramping up effect since we can get a reading of x1 on = y and x2 on =z and calculate from there.

If I read the article correctly the reef off of the Big Island received 48 Mol per day.
ANOTHER thought.
how amazing would it be for a forward thinking LED maker to incorporate this idea into their fixture!? For instance, what if in programming your Radions you were able to dictate that you wanted to receive 35Mol / lighting period, and the software determined that output.

Seems like that maker would get a LOT of attention!
That would be really awesome, but would have to take mounting height and tank depth into consideration

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walterp1982;1097317 wrote: That would be really awesome, but would have to take mounting height and tank depth into consideration

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

shouldn't be an issue.. .mount at X. for tanks 24" deep set to... for tanks 30" deep set to...