Should I downsize my return pump?


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Tank is a 90g with a 30g sump (normal operating level is ~15g in the sump).

The return pump is a Mag 9.5. This was the one in previous use on this tank, so I used it when I set the system back up. The only place I've ever run across a sump flow recommendation was Melevsreef, and he stated a target of 3-5x the diplay tank capacity. That would be 270-450gph in my case.

I haven't noticed any issues, but would I get more benefit from my skimmer and chaeto/rubble/sandbed if I went to, say, a Mag 5?
I use a Mag 7 for my 90 and 30gal or so sump. It has worked well for me for almost 3 years.
LilRobb;330994 wrote: Wanna try a mag7?

Maybe, but the thing is I really don't know if I would be able to see a difference. I know I would reduce flow from the returns (not really an issue as I think my PHs are plenty enough).

I just don't know if there's a specific reason to slow it down. I can speculate, but that's all I'm doing... speculating.

What I may want to do is sell the 9.5 or do a partial trade, and end up with a 7 for the return and a 5 for the skimmer. I'm supposed to p/u a 7 tomorrow anyway, so that leaves me with rounding up a 5.
DrNecropolis;330993 wrote: If its working as is... Me.. I would leave it alone..

It's working fine, the only thing I could nitpick about is I wouldn't mind the sump system being a touch quieter.
I'd say if your drains can sustain the 9.5 without reducing the flow of it, and you don't have an issue with heat....leave it alone. The only reason really to downsize pump would be if you have the return flow cut down by half. If you do, you're creating more heat than whats necessary and possibly lowering the life of the pump. Then I'd say go with a lower pump. If things are fine, leave it can always benefit from the higher flow if your drains can keep up.
most places recommend 5-10x tank volume as a standard for people that have no other flow in the tank.

with enough supplimental flow you really dont need more then 2-5x turnover.

Downsizing can save on power, or you can use the extra flow on reactors, fuges, and such to eliminate extra pumps you dont really need.
EnderG60;331006 wrote: most places recommend 5-10x tank volume as a standard for people that have no other flow in the tank.

with enough supplimental flow you really dont need more then 2-5x turnover.

Downsizing can save on power, or you can use the extra flow on reactors, fuges, and such to eliminate extra pumps you dont really need.

No reactors at this point, and my sump is my fuge. That is a good point, though... if a reactor is down the road somewhere I could split the output. That is a big plus, because the return chamber in my sump is just about full with the 9.5 and the skimmer.
LilRobb;331012 wrote: 1st rule in reefing - there is never too much flow.

I thought the first rule in reefing was "Thou shalt not let thy wife see thy VISA bill". :D

I think I'll leave it alone. Now I just hope the Mag 7 will throttle back enough to work with the skimmer, since I've already agreed to buy it...
cr500_af;331018 wrote: I thought the first rule in reefing was "Thou shalt not let thy wife see thy VISA bill". :D

I think I'll leave it alone. Now I just hope the Mag 7 will throttle back enough to work with the skimmer, since I've already agreed to buy it...

The aqua clear?
Seedless Reefer;331023 wrote: The aqua clear?

That's what I'm trying to get set up to try. Robb said the Mag7 seemed like too much, but I tried a Rio and a MaxiJet and they aren't nearly strong enough. From what I was able to find online, it came new with a 635gph pump, so a 7 should be reasonable. I'm picking up a 7 from Jess tomorrow, hopefully I won't wish I'd gotten a 5 instead.
Most of the flow needs to come from power heads. Don't rely on return. But if it is not broke don't fix it, as stated before.
cr500_af;331009 wrote: No reactors at this point, and my sump is my fuge. That is a good point, though... if a reactor is down the road somewhere I could split the output. That is a big plus, because the return chamber in my sump is just about full with the 9.5 and the skimmer.

Are you keeping your skimmer in the same section as your return pump? I would think this could cause problems for your skimmer since most of them like a pretty constant water level.
texhorns98;331060 wrote: Are you keeping your skimmer in the same section as your return pump? I would think this could cause problems for your skimmer since most of them like a pretty constant water level.

Yes, but the water level is just as constant in there as anywhere else in the sump. I am considering moving it to the main part (purely for space reasons) but I'm concerned about the pump picking up sand.
I'm setting it up this week, but I don't have an ATO in there yet. I bought a DIY ATO from a member, but I've gotta use the parts and rebuild it... it's a MAJOR fire hazard the way he built it.

The way the baffles are in this sump, all the levels stay constant. It's one of these if that helps:
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The bubble trap/baffle is above the floor on the tall side, and the water level is right about the top of the tall side. As long as the water is above the short side, it flows out the bottom of the tall side and keeps the water level constant.