Should I downsize my return pump?

cr500_af;331113 wrote: I'm setting it up this week, but I don't have an ATO in there yet. I bought a DIY ATO from a member, but I've gotta use the parts and rebuild it... it's a MAJOR fire hazard the way he built it.

The way the baffles are in this sump, all the levels stay constant. It's one of these if that helps:
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The bubble trap/baffle is above the floor on the tall side, and the water level is right about the top of the tall side. As long as the water is above the short side, it flows out the bottom of the tall side and keeps the water level constant.

I THINK I get it!:eek:
Don't worry, man...I just have never seen that setup, and was confused by your explanation. In my sump, the water level stays constant in the first two sections (skimmer/fuge) and drops pretty rapidly in the return section. I've ordered my ATO this week, I'm hoping it will be in by the weekend! :)
I'm just glad I didn't burn down my house with this one... it was set up using the TINY wires on the float switch to make/break the 110V to the pump. I gotta put a relay in there.
That's the thing... since my sump IS my fuge, the flow is not nice and slow. I'm still flowing @ over 10x the display volume... and even assuming 20g in the sump (it's a little less), turning over the sump almost 50x/hour.

I have no problem with the flow in the tank from the standpoint of what's going on up top... it's fine. But is my macroalgae etc and skimmer getting enough contact time, that's my concern.
I used a mag12 on my 90 for 2 years never a problem you can put a ball valve on it to slow down some flow too.
Hey, Barry! No worries about picking up the pump. Like I said, we weren't in a hurry or even sure we wanted to part with it! It's our salt mixing pump for now. If you decide you like the seven running on it, I'll offer you the same deal. If not, no skin off my back! And after today, I could use an errand free day anyhow! Drove fifty miles to Warm Springs to volunteer at the hatchery, fifty miles back and got the call from my hubby to drive the 90 to Dacula. Well worth it, but that's 280 miles of driving for me today!
Glad I haven't put you out... I'm just starting to think that the 7 will be too much for the skimmer (actually, Robb tried it and I know it's too much) and I'd rather not have to throttle it down because of the extra heat and stress on the pump.

I may end up going to a 7 on my return and a 5 for the skimmer, and that'll mean I have a 9.5 to get rid of.

They should just make a packaged set of magdrives, like nesting dolls. One price, and get one of every size for all your pumping needs.

Robb, is the offer to try the 7 still open?
One baffle. The overflow enters into a box (which was meant for filter media; I'm just using the tray to break the speed of the water and quiet it) sitting in the main part, then one baffle seperating a smaller chamber. The return pump and skimmer are in there. The main chamber is sand/chaeto/rubble.
Well, we're looking to get a 9.5 eventually, so, if you decide to get rid of it, I call dibs! We can trade out with some deniro, if you like.
JessPete;331244 wrote: Well, we're looking to get a 9.5 eventually, so, if you decide to get rid of it, I call dibs! We can trade out with some deniro, if you like.

Sure thing. If I do that you'll be the first to know.
bratliff;331608 wrote: From the picture you posted, it looks like the baffle between your fuge and return/skimmer section is pretty low; is this correct? I'm wondering if you could make this baffle higher and then split your overflow between your fuge and return? This'll let you dial in the flow for your fuge section more (which needs it slower).

Just an idea...

It reaches about 1/2 way up the sump walls (the taller side). The short side of the baffle (where water passes over to reach the interior of the bubble trap/baffle) is about 1/3 of the way up. That (1/2 full; up to the tall side) is about the max fill level I use (since the water doesn't have to go over the taller side of the baffle).

I can split the return. If I do that it will certainly leave water in the fuge section longer. Then all I gotta do is figure out of the skimmer needs longer contact time as well. It skims a nice dark skimmate, but I don't get more than 1/4" in the cup every couple of days.