Shredded anenome?


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my girlfriend told me yesterday that my anenome was missing and the water was cloudy, well when i got home my beautiful anenome was missing. I looked around and found very small pieces of my bta. I saw pieces of the foot and the bubble tips. The only thing that i can think of is the anenome was wondering around the tank for some reason and got sucked up into one of the powerheads. The only thing in the tank is a pair of clowns. Could a large bristleworm possibly do that to my bta? (I doubt it but just asking.) Im in the process of doing a LARGE water change, and i removed all the stuff of the bta as possible (even moved some rocks around) Any advice would be appreciate it. Will get water parms up soon.
Its VERY common for anemone to walk and get sucked into powerheads. Be sure you have a prefilter screen, at the least, on the inflow. Dont fret too much, though- BTA are very hardy, and chopping them up often results in many smaller survivors. So, in this cases, this accidental shredding may have been some inadvertant "fragging".
Save the biggest healthiest pieces OI would suppose.

I feel very guilty! I promised you the skimmer box for the Aqua C. I haven't mailed it yet as I've started a new job working the same hours as the post office and banks, and never seem to be free to mail it when they are open.

Also, its been hectic learning the new product line from 350 different suppliers. (the company I work for now sells all the retail containers to both SeaChem and the comany formerly know as Kent Marine, one of the accounts will be mine when I'm operationally trained). I've also had to learn the computer programme.

Have a made enough excuses why I haven't gotten that box in the mail?

Sorry for your loss, I do feel bad!
If you have a powerhead in your tank, your BTA will unfortunaly find it. This has happened to mine a few times. If the foot is 75% or more then it will prob recover. If less prob not. If is able to heal himself, he will go and hide for about 2 weeks to recover. I would not touch him or try to move him at all. If it is obvious that he is to mangled to survive then I suggest flushing him. Sorry that happened to your BTA.
I can not see him at all all that i see is little pieces everywhere. I got the biggest stuff that i can. I dont know where he could be or if there is anything thats still worth saving. Dakota, there is not one reason at all to feel bad, i should have taken the time and done some more research. I really appreciate everyones advice. Thanks again dakota but dont worry about it. I just feel sorry for my beautiful little clowns (there anenome-less)
Sorry to butt in, but let me get this straight.... I have one of those anemones with the wavy arms who has moved to the glass wall next to where the water pumps into the tanks. It is extending itself so that its face is kinda toward the flow... am I about to find a bunch of anemone all over the place?
If you have a powerhead - trust me sooner or later your anemones will find it. Even powerhead with a screen will mulch up an anemone. Best bet is to move the powerhead if the anemone gets anywhere near the thing.
i had a bta for 5 years, it won 4 fights with mazijet, but oost only one fight with a tunze. That was a sad day.
The powerhead is the part that the water is pumped INTO the tank, yes? (NOOB QUESTION!)
No Dave...Its what sits in the tank to recirculate water flow..What you are thinking is the return pump I believe...I think I asked the same question about 4 months ago :)
seriously I think this has happened to every reefer out there with an anemone. You gotta protect the tank no powerheads need to be left unprotected. I even protected one and it still got in but the thing survived and as is doing great now. Youve learned from it hopefully next time will be better. Big watcher changes is the key to get that smell out. Also dont save the light shredded tenticales if thats what you were asking. I would keep the foot and thats pretty much it.
I'd like to add that overflows can present a danger as well. My RBTA got sucked into the overflow, and I ended up w/ three small RBTA's.
My bta decided to go into the overflow once, but I was not lucky enough to get baby anemones out of the deal
my powerheads are seio 620's and the skimmer pump is a maxi jet. im not sure which one is the one that ripped it apart. thanks for everyones help and advice.