Shrimp dead upon water contact....

46bfinga;132615 wrote: I acclimate until I am spot on with my refractometer. Not only salinity but also +/- 1 or 2 degree on Temp as well.

agreed- it may take 10 minutes, or 10 hours. If you want it to survive, take your time (this primarily goes for shrimp and echinoderms. With fish, you can almost just chuck them in).
yup that would kill them...hey chris dont give up..ask any of us on here im sure everyone has made some kinda of mistake like live an learn....
Sorry to hear you lost all of those shrimp. I was there at the same time picking up the clowns from Tim and saw how nice looking all of the shrimp were.
reefscape;132624 wrote: yup that would kill them...hey chris dont give up..ask any of us on here im sure everyone has made some kinda of mistake like live an learn....

I remember when I decide to throw a couple starfish from one tank into another without acclimating. Well it only took about 30 seconds and all the arms fell off both starfish. My Wife was real pleased with me that day. :doh:
Hey Drew, yeah. sucks bigtime. i was siked to have them. All this because I had a little ich in tank. D*mn.
To avoid more fatalities....I was planning on this schedule for bringing the salinity back up in my 155: 5G of very high (1.030) salinity each night for a week or until the overall salinity reaches 1.026 or so.

Does that make sense or am I way off here as well?
this same thing happend to me but all my parameters were inspot with the tank and i had zero amonia, nitrate, nitrite.
i lost 50 bucks worth of fish just because a little ich.
Sounds like a good plan. Keep your salinity around .024 or .025 max. That keeps your salinity within limits during evaporation until you topoff the tank.
46bfinga;132640 wrote: Sounds like a good plan. Keep your salinity around .024 or .025 max. That keeps your salinity within limits during evaporation until you topoff the tank.

I dont know. I think it would quite safe to run at the desired salinity. On a 155 gallon tank plus the sump and plumbing, it woukld take an aweful lot of evaporation to cause a big salinity swing.
Nice meeting you the other day. My girlfriend almost killed me for being there so long. She had a nasty hangover and looking at fish and coral wasn't her idea of a fun Sunday afternoon. Good luck getting the salinity back up to normal.
hahahaha, i made that mistake the last time. My gf was at the mall or something while I took care of fish stuff. LOL
jmaneyapanda;132646 wrote: On a 155 gallon tank plus the sump and plumbing, it woukld take an aweful lot of evaporation to cause a big salinity swing.

I was thinking that as well. But .024-.025 is perfectly acceptable don't you think? I have been keeping Inverts at that salinity for years now with no adverse effects.

I like staying in that range to give me the comfortablity of knowing that I cannot go to high or too low without some major F'ing up. Of course thats just me :)
46bfinga;132678 wrote: I was thinking that as well. But .024-.025 is perfectly acceptable don't you think? I have been keeping Inverts at that salinity for years now with no adverse effects.

I like staying in that range to give me the comfortablity of knowing that I cannot go to high or too low without some major F'ing up. Of course thats just me :)

Yeah, I would say its probably OK. I would suggest anyone go belwo 1.024, though. Even with fish only. I think people and stores that keep fish systems at 1.023 or less are really harming their livestock. Most reef fish were "designed" to be at 1.026ish. But that is just my opinion.
It may go without saying but make sure you DRIP very SLOWLY (1 or 2 drops a second) over a couple of hours. I made the mistake of rushing the drip and lost an invert doing it. I also test the salinity and pH of the water they came to me in, and depending on the swing extend the time. Better to have them alive in the container than to have em expire in the tank!

So you killed 6 shrimp all at once or one by one? That CBS was the coolest shrimp I've ever had... :(
all at once. i know. hyposalinity and inverts don't mix. lesson learned. new shrimp were dripped in for 2 hours and are doing great. :)