Sick Fish?? Sick Tank??


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Looking for any input on my situation.

Here goes. I have a Fiji Foxface, Potters Angel, Blonde Naso and a Black Blenny. I am having an outbreak of some sort. It has not responded to hypo. It looks like Ick but at the same time the Fox Face has a slime coming off of him like velvet. I am going to QT everyone. I guess my biggest concern is how do I get what ever it is out of the tank once they are better. I have a Trigger Fish that was in the tank. He came down with it first. Paraguard cleared it up in a week and a half. So fixing the fish is not an issue. Fixing the tank is. Everything in this tank is going into my 90 build. I want to try and start off on the right foot. Second issue is all my reef stuff is going to move into this 65. That includes fish. Is the fuge contaminated with what ever this is? Any input would be great. Also does anyone know if you use Paraguard in a tank does that mean that you will never be able to keep reef stuff in it? In other words is it anything like copper? I was just wondering. I know that malachite green will stain the silicone but will it be stuck in the tank?

Any ideas would be great. I am pulling my hair out. I just dont want to keep going in a circle.
Oh yea and today I noticed large white patches on the tang. This sucks. Everyone is eating great. Mainly feeding fresh nori.
Can you isolate the tang? I would not use coppr in the tank. Not sure how else to help you.
LDYBKR;263859 wrote: Can you isolate the tang? I would not use coppr in the tank. Not sure how else to help you.

I have a 50 gallon QT to isolate and treat all the fish. Will the tank fix its self with no fish in it?
dawgdude;263883 wrote: You have two options to eradicate it from your tank. Add a massive UV and Ozone or remove all fish and QT for 2 month min. Without this your fish will always carry it and you will never eradicate it completely even with UV and ozone sometimes depending on the problem. I would NOT use copper and honestly there are very few things you can add to the tank that will not nuke all your coral or inverts. My advice is to weather the storm by feeding food soaked in selecon and garlic guard heavily, keep up with your WC and double them. Your best bet is to keep them healthy if you dont want to remove everything.

This nis a fish only tank. So 2 months with the fish in QT
All fish are in QT. They are responding quick to Paraguard. I also have them in hypo. They have been inhypo for a week. Now that they are in QT I am going to start bringing them out of hypo. As for the tank SG is at about 1.005 now and temp at 95. I am going to stick with this for a few weeks then change water and put corals only in the tank for 60 days. Any opinions?
mikesommers;264214 wrote: As for the tank SG is at about 1.005 now and temp at 95.

Is this a typo?

Did you mean the salinty is at 1.015 and the temp is 85? I don't think the fish will last long in that low of salinty or in that hot of a tank.

tim8111;264232 wrote: Is this a typo?

Did you mean the salinty is at 1.015 and the temp is 85? I don't think the fish will last long in that low of salinty or in that hot of a tank.


There are no fish in the display. I am trying to kill what ever it is with out meds. There are no life forms in the tank now. Why not nuke it out with crazy water parims??? In 3 weeks do a big WC and bring the temp down correct SG and let the tank sit for a week of to to make sure I will not get any spikes. Then only coral in the tank after every thing is corrected for 60 days. I think that will cure the tank.
I left my tank fishless for about 4 1/2 weeks, it's recommended to do more, but I found a scooter blenny that ate and I was tired of having nothing but corals to look at.

Where did you get the fish, some stores have been having some problems recently with getting unhealthy fish in. You can PM me if you have any questions or suspicions.
mikesommers;264269 wrote: There are no fish in the display. I am trying to kill what ever it is with out meds. There are no life forms in the tank now. Why not nuke it out with crazy water parims??? In 3 weeks do a big WC and bring the temp down correct SG and let the tank sit for a week of to to make sure I will not get any spikes. Then only coral in the tank after every thing is corrected for 60 days. I think that will cure the tank.

It seemed like you were talking about the QT tank, I misread your post. :)

By the way, it has been a while since I seen you, you still have the credit for the standpipe.

Just running it like normal for about 1-2 months should knock out the ich or whatever is in the tank, it could be longer if it is something else.

No drastic water changes, no temp drops or SG spikes/drops. You can add coral and iverts since the ich doesn't affect (is this the right use?) those guys.
If there is nothing in the tank, then I'd drop the temp rather than raise it. Not much can survive in the cold.
tim8111;264282 wrote: It seemed like you were talking about the QT tank, I misread your post. :)

By the way, it has been a while since I seen you, you still have the credit for the standpipe.


Yea I need to come by. I have been really busy with the holidays and all.

I brought all the fish out of hypo (was not working) and dipped them in a paraguard dip. Moved them back to the tank and have been changing water like mad. All the fish look better. I also had no choice but to dose the tank with Formalin. All seems well now. The crazy thing is hermits have hungin through all this:yes: . I thought for sure they would die. I will not let up though. Also will do one more dip and all substrate and rock will be fresh water dipped before everything is moved to the 90.
I have been updating my build thread with all the info on this. I figured I would through a link in this thread to it. I have worked very hard on beating this. Both main displays are empty due to the ich. Everyone is in a 75 gallon QT. I lost my Blonde Naso due to this disease. At this point everyone is doing good. No flashing, or spots on anyone. The last 2 weeks of QT I will be adding a new blonde to make sure I do not add any disease back into the display when they are all moved. Everyone is due to go back in around Feb 10th. That will have given the displays around 35 days with no fish. Everything should be good from there. It really sucks to loose a fish. He was a cool dude.

That sucks man. Normally people run hypo at 1.009. I wouldn't raise the temp any higher than 86.
Steve;273840 wrote: That sucks man. Normally people run hypo at 1.009. I wouldn't raise the temp any higher than 86.

I bought a refractometer and had to drop the SG to 1.009 to get good affects. It had cleared up droping to 1.012 but then tried to come back on the PBT. So I droped it to 1.009. No more flashing at all. He looks great. I plan on keeping them at this level for a few more weeks. All of them are eating like pigs:thumbs: . There color is normal now and all I have left to deal with is getting the marks from all this healed up so the fish look good again. I have pretty high hopes at this point. I remember when a week ago I was ready to give up. I am glad I didnt. I learned so much from this. Temp has been a struggle with the QT in the garage. I have a 400 watt hydor and a 200 watt topfin running non stop and temp is at 75. I would like to see 78 to 80 but thats not going to happen with this weather.
Glad to hear things are clearing up Mike. I know you've been going through this for awhile. Hope things continue to improve.
coolsurf;273986 wrote: Glad to hear things are clearing up Mike. I know you've been going through this for awhile. Hope things continue to improve.

Me to! It has been a real lesson. DONT BUY A FISH AND ADD HIM TO MY TANK WITH OUT QT FIRST:doh: . No matter how good the fish looks, I cant say witch fish was the carier but none had signs until I had them all together for about 3 days. They all went into a brand new tank so someone had ich.... That was back in December. Thought I was in the clear then I added a PBT. He let me know real fast that I had an issue. He is a soldier though. He has had a total of 4 fresh water dips lasting up to 5 min each to get the bugs off of him, then back in the tank and eats anything in sight. He is a pig and I believe that was his only hope. I just have to keep working on it everyday until a full treatment is completed.
I'm glad that you seem to have it "licked". Do you contribute that to the hypo?