Sick Fish?? Sick Tank??

mysterybox;274038 wrote: I'm glad that you seem to have it "licked". Do you contribute that to the hypo?

Hypo is the only way I will ever treat Ich again. I tried every method and hypo had the bugs off the fish in 48 hrs. It is a must that you use a refractometer, heater and watch your PH. With less SG you have less buffers and your PH will drop if you do not buffer daily. As far as how the fish react to all the treatments - Copper they get a lethargic (IMO) and it is also immunosuppressant so you start to see lots of color loss real quick - not good, same with formalin. They are both very hard on the kidneys and liver. Hypo - long term can do kidney damage but 14 days at 1.009 with an antibiotic back up to heal them is almost natural, color looks great, they eat great and it works very fast. Ich can not balance in low SG so it explodes. The fish can deal with the pressure or Osmotic Shock. So the answer is yes hypo was the answer.
ares;273994 wrote: most bacteria and parasites probably could, specially if "cold" is only maybe 72 degrees or whatever ambient is with water flow.

heat will accelerate the life cycle, cause it to burn itself out faster and if it is ich, cause it to cycle into the free floating vunerable stage more frequently.

I agree:up:
mikesommers;274113 wrote: Hypo is the only way I will ever treat Ich again. I tried every method and hypo had the bugs off the fish in 48 hrs. It is a must that you use a refractometer, heater and watch your PH. With less SG you have less buffers and your PH will drop if you do not buffer daily. As far as how the fish react to all the treatments - Copper they get a lethargic (IMO) and it is also immunosuppressant so you start to see lots of color loss real quick - not good, same with formalin. They are both very hard on the kidneys and liver. Hypo - long term can do kidney damage but 14 days at 1.009 with an antibiotic back up to heal them is almost natural, color looks great, they eat great and it works very fast. Ich can not balance in low SG so it explodes. The fish can deal with the pressure or Osmotic Shock. So the answer is yes hypo was the answer.

I've been saying this for a very, very long time (not to you! LOL), but suggesting this method to reefers that have ich on their fish. I'm glad it worked for you, and don't forget to bookmark this thread for future use for other reefers! It's a great, detailed thread, with followup.......and success! Thanks for sharing!
I would call today day 10. This has been one h@(( of a ride. My QT tank has finally finished its cycle. That was the hardest part of all this. A cycled QT tank is a must. I contribute the cycle to the loss of my Blonde. If I did not work he would not have died. As for the treatment. It is working. I had purchased a new Blonde Naso yesterday. Some might say that is crazy but I will explane why. I have found that almost all fish are infested with something nomater how hard an LFS works at it when you purchase them. Its almost impossible to have every fish in a large system completly parisite free. This fish has been out of the ocean for about 10 days. When I added him to QT he was a carrier of Ich and maby some other stuff (flukes, ect...) who knows! So by buying the fish now while I have a treatment method that works will also resolve any other issues he brings:up: .

Next thing I have found is if you treat with Hypo and back up with any meds (Copper, Paraguard, Fromalin, Malachite Green, ect...) that only half or less of the required dose is needed. If you put fresh water on copper at .50 then fish are going to die fast. For some reason it takes half the dose or less to be affective.

I have a Potters Angle, Powder Blue Tang, a very small Reagle Tang, Black Blenny, Fili Foxface and also a Blonde Naso (just purchased). All the fish are now eating very well with exception of the Fiji Foxface. I had a PH swing and he did not like it. You can not miss that dose of buffer.

The Angle had lost all his color Sat. night. So I performed a fresh water dip on him (5 min long) and inspected the water very closely after and found possible flukes not sure but why chance it. So today I did a very small dose of Paraguard and an even smaller dose of Malachite Green/Formalin. His color has returned quickly and no more flashing and rubbing.

Next thing I have done is added LOTS of vitamins to the water and have supplied more nori than they can eat in one sitting.

Ammonia is 0
Nitrites are 0
Nitrates maby 5
PH I am doing small amounts of buffer now every day.

The water looks ruff with all the vitamins, meds and nori in it but the fish are doing better every day and water tests good. I think I will stay with this for another 20 days to be safe. Then to finish up I will start bringing them back up to regular SG. That will take at least 5 to 7 days. Then 7 days with no meds and no signs of any pests and the fish will finally be ready to go back into the display. That will have given the display plenty of time for everything bad to have starved and died.

This does work, it also taks alot of time. I guess if you want healty fish, a healty tank, and something you can sit back and enjoy than its all worth it.

Total cost doing it right the first time - The price of the fish, a bucket of salt, patients, and some cheap meds.

Total cost to learn everything I have posted on this thread on your own - BIG BUCKS, and loss of fish!!! I hope everyone can learn from this and have some nice healthy fish.

I will update the final out come unless anything changes.
Thought I would update this. The fish are out of hypo - current SG 1.021. They are healing great. As I brought the tank out of hypo I started battling a cycle. So I guess you can do everything in the world to try and stop a cycle but its just got to happen. I spoke with Seachem and they dirrected me to Alpha just as Matt did from Creation Reef. 1 dose every other day while the tank cycles. This stuff works great. I had 2 fish (Powder Blue Tang and Fiji Foxface) that got rosted from the ammonia spike that I had when I lost the Female Blonde Naso. That spike was almost 1.0 with no nitrites and did some real damage. Heres the cool part - right now Ammonia .75mg/L, Nitrites over .25mg/L and not a single fish even knows it. WOW!!! So we shall see how it goes. This is day 3 of these levels and no stress. Seachem said to stop changing water and let it cycle, use the Alpha. I will update after the cycle. Should be mid next week. Oh yea and as I brought the fish out of hypo I started them on Paraguard. That has done great in healing them up:up: ...

All the fish are doing great:thumbs: . They are back in the displays. I moved all the reef stuff to the 65 a week ago and its doing great. I need to get some pics on my build threads. I owe a big thanks to Matt at Creation Reef and Brandon - X pres. of ARC for all the helpful advice and time. This was a real struggle. I am very lucky to have only lost 1 fish. Finaly a happy ending to a bad story.
Glad to hear the good news! Matt and Amanda have been so helpful up at Creation. I'm dealing with a bout of MI with my CB right now and they've walked me through the whole process about how to fight it. Hope things continue well. :up:
coolsurf;295177 wrote: Glad to hear the good news! Matt and Amanda have been so helpful up at Creation. I'm dealing with a bout of MI with my CB right now and they've walked me through the whole process about how to fight it. Hope things continue well. :up:

Me to! Good luck on your issues. They give great advice.