Sick Porcupine Puffer


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Any one have any experience with porcupine puffer fish???

This evening when I got home, mine was tucked in the back of the tank under some LR... He had absolutely no interest in food what so ever. Both of these things are unusual behavior. We've had him for a little under two months; and he usually eats like a little piggy and swims around like crazy. The other thing is, he's gasping... To the point where I can see inside his gills with every breathe.

About 20 minutes ago the light turned off in the tank and he came out... But, he's very pale and keeps swimming into the glass and rock. I put food right in front of his face, but he's not interested.

What am I missing? I can't squat on the internet.

Any thoughts???

Edit: Not sure of why the spike in parameters, but here are the most current readings.

30 Gallon Tank:
pH - 8.1 ppm
Ammonia - 0.2 ppm
Nitrites - 0.1 ppm
Nitrates - 3 ppm
kH - 11.2 dkH
Phosphates - 0.2 ppm
Temp - 78F

I put dosed the water with Prime and Stability to address this.

There's nothing dead in the tank unless it's a snail or hermit somewhere... And with the amount of bristle worms I've seen in this tank, that shouldn't be a problem.

The only change that has been made is the removal of a bag a Matrix to setup a QT for a Maroon Clown I'm picking up on Sunday.

Edit: Tank Mates:

Large RBTA
Snowflake Moray Eel

Note: Both the puffer and eel are very small.

Edit: He seems to be coughing up something every so often... Looks like un digested shrimp. We feed every one in the tank grocery store bought shrimp.
What test kit are you using? When was the last time you tested?

Are you ONLY feeding the shrimp, or are you varying the diet? Any vitamins being added to the shrimp? (limited diet with no vitamins can cause major issues with puffers).

How much are you feeding them and how often?
How small is very small? The puffer will quickly outgrow that 30 gal and will need a bigger home.

Like Jenn asked, what is the diet?

My experience with Puffers is that very often issues are derived from diet or environment. Is his tail curled back, like a dog? That could be a sign of stress. Puffers can also have trouble with blindness, and digestion issues.

I had a Puffer whose diet was varied but kept munching on the tangs nori and had trouble passing food and ultimately developed a prolapsed colon and died.

I would address the Ammonia/Nitrate in the tank assuming your test kit is accurate.

Due to the lack of scales, Puffers (and Triggers) are uber sensitive to medication, especially copper based so if for some reason you identify the issue and move to treatment phase - be very careful.
The tank is stocked with extremely small snails and hermits for him to munch on... He's about 2 inches, and I have every intention of upgrading my tank or placing him in a better (larger) home in the next year. I also feed him frozen english peas, which he loves.

His tail only curls when the eel gets too friendly with him.

As it turns out, My wife discovered a thread on a Puffer Forum about a puffer choking on a piece of food. The scenario was identical. After that, we went to see what we could do for the little guy, and he coughed out a piece of shrimp. Shortly after he was swimming around... He's still a little pale and disoriented as of this morning, but he's swimming and seems to be doing much better. Thanks guys!
So, after a couple of day with no immediate improvements... I came home to find my puffer going through what appeared to be the same initial symptoms.

However, after some research on the interwebs, I believe the culprit is Gill Flukes. I've got the little guy in QT and am treating with Ich-X. I'm not entirely sure if this will help or not... He looked pretty bad when I got home and has show no signs of feeling better. Even after a 2 minute fresh-water dip to dislodge the flukes, he is still panting and laying on the bottom of the tank. I feel so bad...

Any info on the above would be helpful, but I'm also headed out of town in the morning... I'd still like all the info I can though.

Another question though... With the other tank mates, can I treat the tank? I kind of figured with a nem in the tank, all copper base meds are out. Is the eel in danger too?

Please help!!!!!
Stop using Ich-X. Skip copper (known to cause other issues). For Flukes, PraziPro. Period. Be careful and follow instructions. If doing a heavy dosed bath (very effective) don't combine this treatment with buffered freshwater as some threads will recommend. Too much for any puffer at any size. Flukes will remain in your system however. I know people who had dosed their reef tanks with great success but I cannot recommend this. Your anemone especially and other lps, softies, inverts, will be at risk. You will have to move everyone to another temporary setup if possible(recommended). Either way you will need to treat your system to guarantee against future infections. Good luck.
Reef, Coffee & Curly Hair is right - PraziPro for flukes - if you're sure that's what it is.

Puffers don't tolerate copper, and copper doesn't address flukes. (The Ich-X claims to address flukes but it wouldn't be my medicine of choice for that).

I've used PraziPro in displays - did so at first at jmaneyapanda's recommendation. It is contraindicated for any kind of worm (feather dusters etc) but most seem to tolerate it in his experience and mine.

Do NOT mix meds.
