sick Tang

bruce 1

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I have a sick Yellow Tang. I am going to try to medicate it, So I have a 5gal tank that had fresh water fish in it, can I use it to hold this Tang to try to medicate it?

How should I set it up?? Take some of my water out of my tank to fill it?? Put a few rocks in?

His body is all white looking, looks like his eyes are glazed over. Looks like his fins are starting to deter-ate. I have read up on several other forums about sick tangs and look like he might be stressed real bad? What is the best to medicate him with ? He is about 5 inches long.

Thank you Bruce
No, the best thing you can do for the Tang is leave it in as much room as possible (how big is its current tank?) and get some nori (dried sushi seaweed) soaked in garlic to entice him to eat. Keep him eating.
I lost a few fish recently and based on that description it may be too late, is he eating at all?
Has not eat that I can tell. He is in a 180 gal tank. He hides in the rock most of the time. My 1st fish. I could not even find him tonight.