Sick Trigger- Please Help


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I just purchased a 75 gallon aquarium, and along with it came lots of coral, a seahorse, and a Bluejaw trigger

Everything came over just fine, i have had no signs of problems with anything- except now the trigger seems to find lying on the bottom all it likes/can do now... (pictures included)

I am unsure of what may be wrong, considering my water quality is great and all of my other fish are doing wonderfully (I had transplanted him into my 55 reef tank)

He is now in his own empty tank, eating mysis shrimp and doing a little better

Any help would be wonderful!!!
Thank you!


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How long has this been going on?

Been years since I've had a trigger, so my opinions might be out-dated, but just wondered if he could be sulking. Some fish act almost lifeless after a big change.

It's a good sign he's still eating.

My main reason for responding is I was wondering if you moved the seahorse out of the tank with the trigger. Thats not a really good paring at all, in fact, like complete opposites as tank mates.....
Well, we lost the trigger

Thanks so much for the help anyways!

Yes, I actually raise seahorses as well in a seperate 20 gallon, so that was part of the reason i felt pressured to buy the tank. I placed the trigger in my 55 reef and the seahorse in with my other two horses in my 20 :-D

The seahorse has been THRIVING as has all the coral out of the tank...

I suppose he just couldnt handle the stress of the change... :-(

Owell- he's off to a better place!

Thanks again!
Sorry to hear of your loss! Thats the second loss today from ARC members.

Atleast the seahorse is doing great!