Skimmer Dilema - Need Help!!


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OK I have a octopus NW 200 recirc skimmer. When I was tightening the fitting that connects to the top it snapped and broke off into the pump. I was able to get it out. My problem is trying to find the parts to connect the pump to the chamber. I called Coralvue and let me just say they have the worst customer service ever and are a bunch of idiots! I finally got through to the owner after about 2 weeks of calling. I told him my prob and even sent detailed pics to him of what i needed. He said in 3 weeks I should have my part sent to me. Well wouldnt you know the da$mn Dumb$*** sent me the wrong fricking parts. So now what? I have a $400 skimmer that has not been on my new tank yet. All the fittings on it are metric. What can I do to Jerry rig this thing so it works? Any ideas here are pics. I need everything to connect the outlet of the skimmer to the chamber. And yes I have contacted Marine solutions and they dont have the right fitting. I am willing to drive anywhere and pay $$ to have someone try to get this thing working. Also I dont have the old parts, even if i did i hacked them up trying to get them to work.
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Some vinyl tubing and silicone would work I think until you get your new parts in.
Is this what you need:"></a>

If not, I would contact them anyway. You will likely have much better luck. You could also try Sam and Aquabuys. He is looking into carrying these and might have a good contact.
If marine solution doesn't have the part in stock, check with Pacific Coast Imports. All of these skimmers (Octopus, SWC, PCI) are identical and assembled by one company in China. Parts should be interchangable.
If it's in sump some vinyl tubing should be plenty to get it working at least, may not be leak proof but should be good enouugh for now. Have you tried searching for metric parts. seems a union and a street elbow and a short peice of pipe would get it done.
cant find metric parts, and cameron as stated before I have contacted marine solutions and they dont have the correct part. Its more than one piece. I need the whole assy that connects the pump to the chamber.

Muf- good idea ill call pac imports

KWL and Jin - the skimmer is external. I am thinking of grinding down the inner threads on the pump and hard plumbing pvc to the chamber, not sure if it will work.

Thanks for the input
Just hard plumb the POS...Dont even need to smooth out that area, just get some pvc, slap it on top of the casing slime some pvc glue on and you're done. Make sure you go over the outside a few times tho to make sure all holes are covered. Also take apart the pump so no glue drips inside on anything important. Tho I'd only do this if and only if you seriously cant get that part.
Chris there are several Suppliers that can order from Online that sale Metric Fittings. Here are a few......"></a>



Found these by doing a little Google action.

FWIW, Nice skimmer! I was checking it out in your Garage last night. Are those Uniseals holding the Metric unions in? You could maybe get some Standard SCh. 80 stuff from Lowes and retrofit it into your skimmer. Might be pretty easy if it fits?
James thanks for the links, kinda unsure what all I would need in metric as far as sizes? Not sure about being uniseals, but the fittings attached on the chamber look like they will not come out. I think I will just rig it with hard pvc, and hope for the best. James what are you doing tomorrow, you got some free time ?
You could clean the pump, as long as there is a union there so it can disconnect from the body. The hole where it'd be hard plumbed you can access from the inner area where the needle wheel is.
Big D , your right ill check SWC and forward this thread to aquabuys. And lees right i can still clean the pump from the intake area.
If that Ocean Runner part does not fit ( I dont think thier the same fiitings)

I have a few Extra fitting and OTP pumps and Octopus skimmers.... You are welcome to borrow that fitting until you get the right part from coralvue.
While you're at it Chris see if Roland will optimize your Octopus for you. :) He's one of the pioneers in pushing that skimmer to its limits.
Thanks everyone and I pmed the people who can help. Now I am confident i can finally get this thing skimming :)