Skimmer driving me nuts


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Ray City"></a>

Above is a link to the video. My skimmer has been on the tank for over a year now. A few months ago I started having issues with it overflowing like this. I just had it running in a vinegar bath over night, cleaned it up and reinstalled it in the tank and it's still doing this. The gate valve is fully open. It's in the specified water heights. I can't figure this out."></a>

How about this?

Yes I run carbon.
Did I see that it's missing the plug in the collector cup? (Or maybe you removed it to help with the overflowing?) maybe run a line from there to a bucket to help get whatever is skimming out of there?

How often does it do this? Once in a while? Once in ablue moon? Constantly and continuously? Have you noticed any changes to the tank?

Just kinda grabbing at straws, here. Can you help us help you with more information?
The plug is removed because of the overflowing.

The skimmer does this 24/7

No changes in the tank at all. I've cleaned the pump, all tubing, ran it in a bucket of vinegar and water overnights cleaned it all up. Opened the gate valve all the way and it still does this. It's not in deep water at all. The outlet is just above the water level too.
It looks like you have plenty of air, but could the air vent hose be clogged somehow? Less air being pulled in woukd mean more water and hence the overflow. I would think that a vinegar bath would have solved this issue however.

My shot in the dark...
Also, is there anything like a sump baffle restrictioning flow from exiting the body? Maybe try repositioning the skimmer.
I can only move the skimmer from side to side but there is about 4 to 5 inches of clearance from the sump wall to the simmer outlet.
Link is corrupt (the second one).

Has it run OK in the past? If so, what changed?

If you haven't changed your carbon recently, try that, it can work wonders for overflowing skimmers.

Polymers can make a skimmer go nuts. Epoxy for frags, some water conditioners like Prime, if used in a higher than normal dose, are a couple of examples.

RedStang;1001624 wrote: Have you dosed chemi-clean? That would do it for sure.

Yep, that would do it too.

Also, have you changed the setting on it? Never try to dial in a skimmer right after feeding or having your hand(s) in the tank. Oils from fish food and/or your skin, alters the surface tension of the water, and a skimmer will stop fractionating for a while afterwards. Trying to tinker with settings will mess things up when the water returns to 'normal' a few hours after the oils break down again.

Jenn what about Stability? Does it do the same? My skimmer is doing this as well. I have let it run now for a good 2 weeks thinking it just needs to get broken in again. But I am starting to wonder.
I haven't had Stability cause overflow. Are you running carbon, Rich?

Fresh carbon solves a lot of problems with quirky skimmers. assuming that everything mechanical is working as it's supposed to - venturi clear etc.

Not yet. Just added the first two fish. Alanna's on adding carbon this weekend. We will see if that settles it down.
also a shot in the dark but maybe try raising it up a half inch or so using a scrap piece of acrylic or egg crete that will make it have to push the water and air higher to get it over the collection cup so it might not overflow as much
Picoreefguy;1001645 wrote: also a shot in the dark but maybe try raising it up a half inch or so using a scrap piece of acrylic or egg crete that will make it have to push the water and air higher to get it over the collection cup so it might not overflow as much

I would agree it looks like it is either to high or to low in the water. However that wouldn't explain why it worked for months but is out of wack now.
Its sitting in only about 5 inches of water. I will stick some egg crate under it tonight after work. I will also change out my carbon tonight too to see If that helps any.
What skimmer is it exactly? Even the smaller Reef Octopus (INT-110) needs to be in at least 7" of water. I would expect yours needs to be deeper than that.
yea thats definitely not deep enough but if its already in too shallow of water than it shouldnt be overflowing like that in the first place. theres gotta be some other underlying issue. but still raising it up may help until you get it figured out.