Skimmer for my 29 Gallon


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Hey guys I'm setting up a 29 Gallon reef in my Home Office with a 10 Gallon Sump Below. Give me some suggestions on a Skimmer. It will definately have to be In-Sump do to the Cabinet area restrictions. Thanks.

PS If you have one your looking to get rid of let me know!
I've heard some good things about the CPR SR-2 would the CPR Backpak save me any room in the sump really so That I could possibly include a small fuge?
Most of the people I talk to don't like the Coralife Skimmers but I have had really good results with the 165 once it was broken in...the biggest problem with them is keeping the water level constant. If you drop it in a sump with a constant top off then you eliminate that problem. I am running mine on my frag and 55G tanks hooked to same sump and the think pulls out a ton, works great and takes no more adjustments. Good for a cheap alternative.
I use a ASM mini G on mine and have had excellent results. I did replace the standard pump that comes with it with a Sedra.
:blush: I stand corrected ... but agree with Dawg. I haven't meshed mine yet, mainly because it has been working so well for me without the mod. If anyone wants to mod it for me.... hehehe...
Thanks Guys, I've now researched the Coralife SS65 and I think you guys are rtight it might just be exactly what I need and the price is great. I currently have an Octopus NW 150 that I was planning on using on my 75 buit i think I'm gonna go with one a little bigger for that set-up. I would contemplate using it on the 29, but the footprint is just way to big for a 10 Gallon Sump.