Skimmer Question

seedless reefer

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The CL SS 65 I have was too small for my tank but the thing skimmed like a champ with the pump that came with it.

I'm just not a big fan of it's design. If your thinkin about changin the pump it might be worth it just to upgrade skimmers I would think but then again I know squat.
<span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="color: blue;"></span></span>
<span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="color: #0000ff;">Loren W.</span></span>
I've found a vendor online that sells octopus needlewheel pumps pretty cheap. I'd like to know if you think it would be worthwhile to replace the stock pump on my coralife SS 65 with one of these. If so, which one?

Thanks in advance:D
those skimmers are very hevy and bulky and need alot of adjusting i think it would be better to get a new skimmer.
Loren, Cameron and I are fixing to test out some CHEAP skimmers that are EASY to MOD and should out perform something 4 times its price!!! I know it almost sounds too good to be true. It should arrive this week or next and give me a week or so to test it out but if it works out, it could save you $200 over a new skimmer like a turboflotor!
The SS is generally doomed to become a PIA for one reason or another. A lot of people who own them end up after a year or so with a skimmer that performs erratically.

With needlewheel skimmers, the pump pretty much determines the performance and the body determines how big of a pump you can run. While this isn't completely true, it works for a simple explanation. So any half decent body (basically a tube with a neck) mated to the right pump can perform well. If you put a better pump that pulls more air on the SS, you will likely find it skims better and more consistently. However, you get a pump that pushes too much water for the skimmer and you get turbulence. Buy a pump that pulls too much air and it will overrun the neck frequently. If you can find the right pump for the SS, you are in business but there are a lot more misses on something like that than hits.

As for the skimmer Brandon is talking about, I am going to reserve judgement until after the mesh mod is on it. I find it hard to believe this thing can keep up with far more expensive skimmers given the price but I am going to see for myself soon enough. I am not going to post what it is because it is kinda like being seen in a pinto by your friends. Sure it gets you around town, but can you live with the ribbing? Course this Pinto might come with a 350 small block once it is over and that deserves some respect.
Ok, thanks for the input. And Brandon, I look forward to seeing what you and Cameron come up with. Keep me posted!
There has been quite a bit of work by others on Brandon's project (I am just helping out) that has shown the skimmer can actually perform very well. I am not sure I would slap it on a 90g but given that Brandon runs a large fuge for his tanks size (40 and 55 I believe) any skimming he does is almost bonus so the skimmer doesn't have to be a big hitter. That said there is some user research that is showing these skimmers work way past their pay grade so to speak.
Cameron;60106 wrote:
As for the skimmer Brandon is talking about, I am going to reserve judgement until after the mesh mod is on it. I find it hard to believe this thing can keep up with far more expensive skimmers given the price but I am going to see for myself soon enough. I am not going to post what it is because it is kinda like being seen in a pinto by your friends. Sure it gets you around town, but can you live with the ribbing? Course this Pinto might come with a 350 small block once it is over and that deserves some respect.

LOL, Ain't that the truth!!!! I just really hope it works and it is based on the same thing that cameron said above, with the right pump all skimmers could be close to equal. I am just really excited to see this thing come in next week and get to work! If it does, my turboflotor will be for sale very soon!