Skip feeding for about 3 or 4 days?


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Okay -- what's your opinion about this?

I will be away for about 3 or 4 days and could do one of the following:

1. Teach a novice how to feed my fish (they will be staying at my home)

2. Skip the feedings until I return

I've read (that can be dangerous, I know) that fish can go quite some time without food -- and, in fact, it may be safer than the potential of over feeding.

Thanks for your opinion.:up:

Either way will work. Fish can go a few days without food. Even novices can put in pre-measured amounts and be taught not to touch plumbing.
I've gone 8 days without feeding once. Fish weren't phased at all. Keep in mind, there isn't a magical hand in the wild that feeds fish every day :) Generally what I've done when I'm leaving and I know no one is watching my tank, feed heavier the day or two before to plump up the fish and leave without any worry.
Yep, I've gone a week without feeding when I had just started the hobby.. didn't have anyone to help feed while we were gone, so I took my chances. Granted, I only had a couple damsels, yellow tang, clown and a porci puffer.. But everything was alive and kicking when I got home.
i've skipped a whole week also,,no effects on the fish... you could also try an automated feeder..
All the more reason to starve the fish (well not really starving, there is plenty of algae in a tank to pick off rocks) so when you come back, they will be uber happy to see you ;)
Barbara;180652 wrote: the fish start shimmying and coming to the front, and then ....... "Oh Lord, she's picking up the can! Yes, the one with the blue top!!!''' (quiver quiver quiver). I mean, that's the coolest part of my tank is feeding the fish!

Ah Barbara maybe you make an appointment with Dr. Steve! :lol2:
Many good comments -- as always!

I feel reassured that I can go either way. But I feel best that I can leave them to fend for themselves -- if I decide that's the safest move.

Barbara -- you really crack me up. I love your dialogues -- please keep responding to my posts -- I look forward to them.

I don't have many fish to feed: 2 clowns, 1 yellow head goby, 1 lawnmower blennie, 2 cardinals (dumb as rocks), 1 fire shrimp and the typical inverts and a few corals -- the easy kind LPS (remember I'm new at this).

Salt water fish have fat sores which allow them to go for many days without food. Most freshwater fish do not and can only last a couple days before starving. Not an expert, just what ive been told.
Not sure I can believe everything I read... but this seemed reasonable and balanced."></a>
