Smelly RODI Water - Do I need to clean my holding tank periodically?


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Like most I use Brute trashcans. I noticed that the can that holds the RODI smells a bit like dirty feet. It was strong enough to smell without putting my head down near the water level. I made a small batch of RODI in another container and it did not smell. This leads me to believe that the can that holds the water has some how been contaminated. I typically keep a lid on it at all times.


- Should I clean this can periodically?
- Should I agitate the water w/ a pump periodically?
- Is this a Brute trashcan thing or does this happen w/ most containers (particularly ones that are designed to hold water)

I assume I can give it a vinegar bath and a good rinse?
I have 2 RO/DI containers. I swap them out once a month, wash the extra container in vinegar then let it air dry. I have never been told I need to but it just seems like good sense. I figure when it's been long enough I wouldn't drink it then I sure wouldn't use it in my tank.
Anything that touches water is gonna need cleaned at least every once in a while.