Snails or Crabs?


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I made a thread about doing a group buy on cleanup crews. The question now is what is best for algae snails or crabs. I have had both in the past, and like how snails clean the rock and the glass. The only problem with snails is they flip over and get wedged in the rock and die. The problem with crabs, is they eat the snails, but they dont clean the back glass as well. In your opinion what do you guys feel works best. Do blue leg hermits eat lots of algae?
I like them both. I look at as the crabs eat the detritus and the stuff on the rocks and they also eat the longer algea (hair algae) and the snails do not. The crabs cant clean the glass but the snails can. The blue legs are good for uneaten food and detritus but you can not have a hawkfish and little blue legs because it is just an expensive snack.
I like both, but be prepared to quickly see your blue legs in snail shells. I have seen them attack fallen snails (on their back) for housing upgrades. I have heard good things about red legs too for cynobacteria.
yeah its best to have both. I think they serve two different purposes. But they also serve some of the same services. If you put a bunch of extra shells in there that shouldnt be a problem.
Here's a snail / hermit crab question: When I set up my tank last week I introduced my large halloween hermit to about 10 large Mexican turbo snails. Since then he's been on a killing rampage- I think he's on his third. I thought they would only kill for a new shell or if they're extremely hungry. Obviously this is not the case- I think he's just discovered easy meals. (BTW, he didn't bother the smaller mexican turbo snails he used to be housed with.) Am I going to have to get rid of the large turbo snails? Any thoughts are welcome!
interesting i can't explain that one lol. I would get the crab outa there or get smaller turbo's
interesting i can't explain that one lol. I would get the crab outa there or get smaller turbo's.
Yeah, I may just have to get rid of the larger turbos (I really like my halloween hermit- I'd hate to get rid of him.) If that's the case would anyone like 7 or 6 large turbo snails for free (depending on how many are left alive)?
Does anyone know where to get the large golfball sized Mexican turbo snails from here in Atlanta. Jeff's exotic fish has them on sale, but shipping is not worth it.
Jhallewell and wbholwell are u two related ur screen names are almost the same it confuses me lol
Stanfill Reef wrote: I like both, but be prepared to quickly see your blue legs in snail shells. I have seen them attack fallen snails (on their back) for housing upgrades. I have heard good things about red legs too for cynobacteria.

Man I use to have boxing matches. Mine will all meet in one corner of my tank and duke it out. One always gets mixed up in the action and never finds a shell he can fit it. They will ride around on each others backs waiting for the right time to pull them out and switch. I also have a 2 inch think pole looking rock, its about 4 inches tall or so, they will play king of the rock climming up and throwing each other off! its great fun to watch:D -
Well, I think your hermit has to get inside the shell to try it on, so he has to kill the snail and eat it to get inside. Then, if he doesn't like the fit, he'll just move on and do the same thing to another snail.
I need some Mexican turbos! I have the red cotton algae problem! I'd be happy to give them away again after they help clean my tank.