So I guess lotion is not deadly?


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I made a dumb move I thought. I was sitting and looking at my tank yesterday when I saw a newly added plug with 2 expensive Paly's nose dive off of my LR onto an Acan Lord Colony. I knew from experience that it would only be a minute before the Acan won that battle. I instinctively stuck my hand in the tank and grabbed the plug and moved it. I did not have time to think that I had just put lotion (neutregena sp?) on my hands not 5 minutes before. I did not have any water made up or carbon on hand so I just closely watched the tank. I did see a slight oil slick on the surface but my corals / fish all look fine. Today everthing has opened up so I am assuming that hand lotion is not deadly to reef inhabitants.
I would say its not bad depending on the amount. I've stuck my hand in the tank with lotion on as well, and thats in my 15g and nothing happened. I'ld imagine dumping lotion in would for sure cause some issues. LOL, for some reason when I saw this post I thought that might have been the case, good to see it wasnt.
Yea after I did it I let out a Homer Simpson "Doh!" I had read where folks discussed contaminants etc crashing their tank. I was cautiously optimistic that lotion would not contain any harsh chemicals.