So, I have a little cyano happening...

And now I spy a Majano that came in on a piece of rock... :mad2: Death before dawn!
cr500_af;354300 wrote: Jess...
One through three done; four now gonna happen! You goin' to the meeting?

Nope. I'll be on Jacksonville. Your gorgonian looks great though! LOL
Also be aware that when you siphon it out, this algae is most present when the lights are just about to go out (end of full day cycle). So siphon then so you can get the majority of it,
Have you checked your RO/DI unit to see if the filters needed to be changed. Someone here might have a TDS meter you can borrow.
Thanks, I may test it to be safe but that unit has only made MAYBE 75 gallons since I bought it. I'd be surprised (and ticked off) if the water were an issue.
Try not to worry about it Barry. Cyno is one of the easiest things to take care of IMO. The cool thing about it is once it gets big you can just suck it out in one chunk. At the same time you just removed phosphates the old fashoned using cheato. Let it get big and then suck it all out.

X2 on the API and Salifert phos test not being sensative enough to tell if there is enough phos to make algae. The only meter worth buying is the Hanna and it's $150+.
We wound up getting an ELOS phosphate kit that shows appropriate levels for around thirty. I know Einstein's has them. If you were closer, I'd let you use it. Maybe I'll come hook up with some of ya'll on Monday.
tgray3;354292 wrote: I had 2 little spots of Cyano that really didn't bother me too awful much as they never spread and were hard to see. I had been doing some reading on bacterial supplements and how they can benefit a tank and insure that your existing colony stays healthy. I figured it couldn't hurt so i ordered some "Nitromax Marine" bacterial supplement from F&S. I know it sounds a little flakey and i thought this might end up on the "What was i thinking" list. I added it according to the directions and the next morning all the cyano was gone. This was 2 weeks ago and it hasn't returned and the livestock are healthy and happy.

OK, just to help you people out:

Tom gave me this stuff after the meeting and I added it according to directions that night. Note: if it wasn't somebody I know and trust who suggested it I would have been apprehensive about it, but if Tom said the tank was happy I believe him.

Tonight all the cyano is GONE. The amount of the red and green crap that was growing inside the rim of my overflow is maybe 10-15% of what is was 24 hrs ago.

I don't understand it, as this stuff does not claim to kill anything, just to eliminate "sludge". I can't be a bactericide (sp?), because it IS bacteria.

As Tom corrected later, it is called "Marine Clean" by Tropical Science.
I got it from Tom, so yeah... pretty local, LOL.

He got it from DrF&S.

I know where it is, though... sssshhhhhhh. Don't say anything.