something is bothering my Torch


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<span style="font-family: Calibri;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"> </span></span>
<span style="color: black;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;">All a sudden my Golden torch has sucked itself in. It still has the tentacles but they are in tight and don’t look good. It started on one end and moved all the way to the other side so now all heads are looking like that. It has been fat open and happy for over a year. Now it’s roommates are a octospawn to the left, Anemone above, and an elegance to the right....the irritation began on the elegance side...but he is way too far to reach him even when they are both extended...and it does not make sense that the octospawn or anemone would reach around the torch to bother the other side having to go against the current in my tank....everything else in the tank looks great, do I move it? Dip it? or is it just upset and needs time to recover? </span></span>
Got a picture? Sometimes close is good enough for corals to start bio-warfare.
any picture I could post would be pointless... it all comes out blurry with my crappy phone:( one day il get a big boy camera..I dont believe it is a paramiter has been stable there for over a yer and has tripled in size in those question is do I leave her to heal as is or do I dip or move...and if I move should I find a dark place? fulll light?low or high flow?
No harm in moving it. Mid range for light and flow should be good.
I will give it a shot....It just is frustrating to see everything else in a tank doing well and one of my prize peices looking bad
Could it be the chemical warfare is being conducted through your water current carrying the toxins downstream as opposed to tentacles physically touching?
well I moved him last night.....tenticals are there just not happy....hopefully he will open up soon...i hope he likes his new spot because I do...haha

Brandon, last night with moon lighting I saw one of my chalice sticking out a 1" tentacle! First time for me!
but the strange thing is they have been like this for months....why now? but i cant wait to get home and check on my baby....haha but if my wife asks im rushing home to her.