SOS! Frag tank broke a week before the ARC swap. Anyone have a spare I can borrow/rent?


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I'm in the process of cleaning a 20g tank and converting it into a frag tank, to bring to the upcoming show. It's a bit close, I know, but things have been busy around here. But, as you would expect, while pulling off the trim around the top I put too much pressure on it and cracked three of the glass panes to an unusable size.
So now I'm in a pickle. I've got about 60-70 frags to bring to the swap, and I need a tank to bring them in! Worst case, I cancel my table, but I would hate to have to do that. If anyone has a small frag tank/show tank (under 20g) that I could pick up and borrow/rent from you, I would be eternally grateful.
Thanks in advance and God bless.
I'm South of you in Stockbridge. I have a 10 gallon tank that I was planning on taking to the meeting and put on the "Free" table. You're welcome to it if you want to drive here to get it.
I have an acrylic swap meet frag tank that I have never used - I think it is supposed to be set up as a display all in one for frag swaps. You are welcome to borrow it. It is about 24 by 24 and I think about 6 inches high. It is just gathering dust in the garage.