spots on shrooms


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I noticed these things on some devils armour. They were on the armour for a couple of months. I didn't notice any issues with the armour....assumed it was part of the armour. NOW.....the armour hasn't been fully opened for about a week and I've spotted these things on my mushrooms and devils hand. I can't post a picture. These things are tiny, about half the size of a pencil eraser. They are sort of oblong in shape. They're relatively flat, only slightly raised. I don't really see movement.

Ok guys...what the heck are they and how can I get rid of them. My devils hand is looking really rough!
I'm on my cell phone. I took a picture, but can't figure out how to post from my phone.
ok.....Here is a pic of the suspicious spots on the shrooms. Any ideas? What are they? Should I be concerned? How do I get rid of them?

Thanks guys! Hope everyone had a safe holiday weekend!
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Flatworms. Aka red planaria. Freshwater dip they will fall right off.

You can also treat the tank with PraziPro to get rid of them if need be.

I'd just dip the mushrooms and see if they come back, before trying anything drastic. They are unsightly but they aren't really harmful that I'm aware of.

Looks like flatworms. If you can pull that rock, give it a quick freshwater dip.
If I treat the tank, do I run the risk of killing off anything else?

Is there anything that eats them? I seem to remember that Six-Line Wrasses will eat them, is that correct?

Honestly, if they aren't harmful.....I may just let it be.
Well I'd dip ... if you can get rid of them or keep the population in check, they'll be less of a pain later on.

Their populations seem to go up and down. FW dip will knock them off pretty much instantly.

PraziPro is only contraindicated for worms - like fanworms, although I know a few including myself who have used it without any ill effects.

Leave your skimmer off for ~5 days if you do treat, and then watch the skimmer when you do turn it back on - that stuff can make a skimmer go whacko.

Easier to treat when you have a few, rather than wait til there are many. There's also a product called Flatworm eXit (Salifert) - I used that once, but my infestation was so bad that I lost fish - that was years ago in my 120, and it wasn't the product that was the problem - I waited too long and the toxins from the sheer volume of dead flatworms was what caused the fish to die.

Some wrasses might eat them - seems to be hit and miss. Melanurus, yellow coris, sometimes 6-lines... some fairies... just depends on the individual I think.

ok....thanks Jenn. Looks like we will be takin' a dip when I get home tonight.