SPS Donation


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I am considering donating my SPS to a good cause. I have some nice specimens to boot. I was wondering what organizations are out there that would be interested. Not sure if a place like the GA Aquarium could use them or maybe a classroom. Anyway if you know of a place (other than your personal tank) where they could be viewed or help learn let me know. Also, it needs to be a charitable organization as I certainly want a good tax write off for this if I decide to go this route.
you can donate them to the scholl that had the frag swap last weekend i think that is a great cause and they have mh to support them talk to brandon he would know more about it or you can donate them to me jk
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Atlanta Reef Club Member

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[IMG]http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/images/arcmember.gif" alt="" />ARC Member
Posts: 358
City: macon
State: ga
Occupation: hospital slave
Other Interests: mustangs

hey guys... thank-you to everyone for the kind words... Sorry i have not replied to everyones pm's, but i was on call last night. I have some good and bad news, the bad news is that i probably wont have enough frags to go around, and am gonna have to cancel pick ups this weekend. There just was too many people that replied.. The good news is i was telling everyone at work about the frag tank breakdown and i was asked if i wouldnt mind setting up a reef tank at the childrens hospital here in macon. Theres a playroom there in the chemo/ treatment hall that has a 75 gall tank which is fish only. So most of my stuff will be going there. ...theres a local company who comes out and takes care of all of the hospitals fish tanks, and they will upkeep the tank. So i apoligise if i didnt reply to everyones individual pm. I think that these frags will be going to some little people that may enjoy them more...:roll: anything i have left i will be bringing to next months meeting (or sending up with jessee or jeff) and giving away...maybe i can arrange with tony some kind of raffle with the proceeds going towards the club..

im in the middle of taking my boards and wont be touching my main tank till after christmas (way too much work)..so those of you asking about my bigger colonies and other stuff, i'll keep you posted after christmas..

thankx again ..... jaime

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I gave some frags away awhile back to a teacher for a tank set up in his classroom- can't remember his name, though. Does anyone know who I'm talking about?