Sps dying?


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Without running all the tests, what is you go-to reason for sps to start doing poorly? I just picked up an acro colony that normally I would consider pretty forgiving but I noticed what looked like burnt tips, pale skin, then looks like dying tissue starting to turn brown with algae. Also includes a few newer monti cap frags that seemed to be doing fine for a couple weeks

For reference, lps including torches seem to be doing fine. About 20 fish fed 1-2x daily in the 580g display. Tank has been running for right at 1 year.
Alk has been consistent at 10.0 for months. Temp is mostly between 80-81, but I’m trying to avoid turning the chiller on (and plumbing it)
Salinity is consistent at 1.025

Only real filtration is filter socks, protein skimmer, and marine pure blocks. I haven’t done a water change for probably 4-6 weeks. No change in light schedule

Any thoughts?
81 is pretty warm in my opinion. and for the sps it seems 10 alk is high. Im not a expert on sps but all my friends are obsessed with sps. and keep theirnalk at atound i believe. But if you want a experts opinion message ryan @billyocean on arc
"without running all the tests" my go to would be bad water parameters. Test everything and go from there. A month plus with no water changes and minimal or no testing sounds like the problem to me; I haven't done a water change in over a year but I do ICP tests religiously every month and add elements from a million little bottles every day. To piggy back on what chuck said though, I prefer to keep my tank around 77, it is my understanding that vibrio can become pathogenic at 81 degrees.
I think it’s probably the nutrient build up. There will always be straw that break the camels back. Test and see where you’re at. LPS will always be more forgiving than sps
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Burnt tips is usually high alk and low nutrients in high par. There's not really enough complete info to diagnose fully. What others already stated is spot on. You can run at 81 but you're in a range that leaves no room for error. If the tank has elements being used up and not replenished via waterchange or whatever then that will be a problem as stated. The sure fire way is just good old fashioned waterchanges every week or two at around 15%. Most of the time, aside from pests, what you see in acros happened to them a week or two before they show it. Still need more info though like p04 n03 calcium mag potassium etc. An icp like ati whilst things are struggling may help too. It will ensure there's nothing like high tin or other pollutants.