Cj Williams
New Member
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all...as one of our new year traditional activities..we always clean the house in and out and get rid of all old and unused items and our 125 gal tank has been given passage year after year after year and this is the last year. We bought it 10 yrs ago and it's been a storage bin for all those years and we are ready for it to be a part of the family. We have a "skeleton" stand that has just the frame that we could have some one use to finish..or ..buy a new one or have one built. Please assist as you all can. God bless
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all...as one of our new year traditional activities..we always clean the house in and out and get rid of all old and unused items and our 125 gal tank has been given passage year after year after year and this is the last year. We bought it 10 yrs ago and it's been a storage bin for all those years and we are ready for it to be a part of the family. We have a "skeleton" stand that has just the frame that we could have some one use to finish..or ..buy a new one or have one built. Please assist as you all can. God bless